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Hey there, everyone.

I know it's been a long time since I've updated and I'm so, so sorry.
I know I say that a lot, and I know I've made a habit of taking long breaks in-between updating Chapters of this book.
But I've just lost interest.
I love writing stories and I love making AUs, and I haven't lost that but I've grown tired of this particular AU.

I made it ages ago, back when I was still growing out of my cringe just-starting-to-write-AUs phase, and looking back at my old Chapters just makes my lack of motivation for this book worse.

I hate it, and I've spent a long time feeling bad about it and worrying about updating this book and, combined with many issues that have been happening in real life, it took a toll on my mental health.
I am happier than I was when I first started the book, but back then I had a lot of motivation because I spent my time writing to calm myself down.
I thank all of you for being so supportive and I'm sorry for stopping this book when so many enjoy it, but my real life issues have also been getting worse.

I don't want to go into too much detail but my grandfather, who has been emotionally abusive to me and my mother for our entire lives, hurt me physically for the first time and acted like it was the funniest joke in the world.
It blew up, and my mum and I ran away for a short time, while the police and CPS investigated him.
It took a huge toll on both of us, and it's still affecting our daily lives even now when we're back under the same roof as my grandfather and grandmother, who haven't changed a bit with their emotional abusive and have even gotten worse.

I didn't focus on my books a lot, and I thank all of you so much for being so patient with me during that time, and who have still been patient with me now.
Exams also started for me, and I had to pick up my slack because I didn't focus in school from this situation, so that also meant less time was spent thinking about this book.

Now, I love this AU a lot, and it will always have a special place in my heart as it was one of the first books of mine that actually got attention, and I may still rewrite it, but for now I think it's best if I stop writing this AU.

But that doesn't mean that I'm not going to stop writing at all.
Heck no I'm not, I love writing and it's what I plan to do as a job! I will still make AUs on FavremySabre stuff, and I actually have four AU books with about 30~ AUs each of unreleased WIPs that were some things that I on-and-off worked on during my breaks in writing on this Paralyzed AU. Some basic descriptions of some of them will be underneath if you want to read them! ^v^
I also have many other AUs in different fandoms that I'm in (Sonic the Hedgehog, Wings of Fire, Warriors/Warrior Cats, etc), not just FavremySabre AUs (although those are the main AUs I work on and what I'm currently fixated on haha)

So, hopefully, I will be able to finish those AUs and post them publicly (and actually work on them and update them, oops)

I may still make a remake of this AU, but at my current situation that may be a way off yet.
I might also post the unfinished WIPs of unfinished Chapters in this book as I don't want them to never see the light of day. But that'll probably happen a few days after this update is posted.
So, have a good day/night and stay safe!

Some basic descriptions of some of the FavremySabre AUs. I've realised a lot of these contain multiverse stuff, especially with RQ, but I think I like the idea of the other Universes seeing how different their counterparts are lol

- The Multiverse is Real (SS x SL x RQ x TR AU) -

In the Universe of Rainbow Quest, things aren't going as perfectly as the citizens are led to believe.
A threat from another Universe, similar to their own but with its own unique differences, has started to grow to become a multiuniversal threat.
Time, Light and M decide to travel from their Universe into other Universes, picking up allies along the way, to warn them of this growing threat, and also to try to find a way to stop it.


- Never Thought we would be Brothers (RQ AU) -

Sabre never expected to be corrupted by Darkness, or have an evil version of you form itself from that corruption.
But now Shadow exists, and Sabre can do nothing about it.
One day, when Sabre takes a bad hit from a fight Shadow put his body in and is knocked out, Shadow can only feel guilt.
As Shadow forms a new body for himself and travels to the Kingdom to get supplies for Sabre's recovery, his guilt only worsens as he sees how no one seems to truly care for the hero who had saved their lives so many times.
Now Sabre needed their help, and they all turned their backs.
Well, Shadow wasn't turning his back on Sabre, and he was going to make sure that Sabre stayed safe. From both the Darkness, and the Kingdom.


- Let's Try this Again (RQ x TR AU) -

When Shadow and M from the Twisted Rainbow Universe wake up in the Rainbow Quest Universe after their Universe is blown up by the villain Sabre, they must navigate this new area and new friends and foes while also wondering if Sabre survived the explosion he caused and is now sneaking around this Universe.


- Villains Get Therapy - (kind of a joke AU that became reality. SS x RQ x TR AU)

Light decides that having so many villains across so many different Universes might pose a threat to the good of each Universe, so he sets up a containment facility to capture and contain these threats.
But things go not according to plan as he realises how hurt these villains are, and the containment facility turns into a therapy facility, especially when a friend turned foe from another Universe shows up.


- You are Your Father's Son (TR AU) -

Origin is considered to be the Creator of everything. But who was his Creator?
His Creator was Sabre, the unknown God who disappeared years ago, someone who Origin considered his father.
Now, Sabre has reappeared in a dangerous world full of hate and anger, and Origin can only do his best to try to steer his amnesiac father on the right path without interfering too much, only to watch as his father falls down a dark path.


I would love to rant about my other AUs, but I don't want to post about too many.
Anyway, the five AUs above are the main ones I'm working on at the moment (in no specific order) but there's no confirmed release date for any. Have a good day/night and stay safe!
Bye!! :]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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