Chapter 7

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-------Sabre's POV------------

It had been two weeks since his 'death'
Other Sabre had been teaching Sabre how to make and throw a fireball (which he was amazing at, if he did say so himself) and also how to fly.

Sabre was still a little bit wobbly with the flying, which was evident because he was tangled up in a tree at the moment.

Other Sabre was kneeled over, clutching his stomach and the laughing was causing his wings to flick about every breath.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny." Sabre complained, but chuckled himself. He attempted to untangle himself, but only ended up with his wings wrapped around the tree truck and his non-paralyzed arm slung across his back, the paralyzed arm just hanging limply at his side.

The paralyzed arm had affected him a bit, as he couldn't put full power into any attacks since he couldn't charge it up with both arms.

Other Sabre had proposed an idea that while him and Sabre weren't training, he could be trying to find a way to heal Sabre's paralyzed arm, because it was possible apparently. Just really hard to do for the Creator of the Universe, other Steves couldn't do it.

"It so is!" Other Sabre managed to wheeze out before completely falling over.

At last, Sabre managed to sit up on the tree branch and glare down at Other Sabre. Using the branch as a push-off, he flew down at top speed to Other Sabre, who was just standing up again.

Other Sabre yelped and instinctively pulled up a shield, green in colour, and crouch behind it. Sabre gasped and fired a fireball, breaking the shield before he could slam into it.

Other Sabre looked up with surprise and also excitement, before Sabre slammed into his stomach and sent him flying backwards.

"Sabre!!!!" He yelled, sitting up and fixing his hair, which was ruffled up from the fall.

Sabre laughed, then stopped and picked up a shard of the now-broken shield. "I broke it with just a half-powered up fireball." He muttered, but Other Sabre heard.

"Yeah, you did! Do you know what that means?" Other Sabre walked over to Sabre, spreading one wing outwards as he spoke, "You've still got more power than I originally thought!"

"Oh, really? We're more powerful than that?" Sabre blinked up at him with a smile.

"Of course! We can destroy a mountain with just one blast if we wanted to." Other Sabre smirked at him, to which Sabre stared at Other Sabre with awe.

"We can?!" He flared his wings, eyes wide.

"Yes, but we're not doing that." Other Sabre chuckled, "No destroying the mountains that we made, it would hurt their feelings." Other Sabre joked, which Sabre laughed again.

"Well, I think that we could actually destroy Void Steve's Volcano base, not just a poor random mountain." Sabre muttered, curling his wings in on his back.

"Oh! OH! We could!! That would make things so much easier! But we'd still have to defeat Void Steve. You might be able to break a shield, but can you handle a fight against a very powerful Steve without full power." Other Sabre frowned at the last sentence.

"Probably not. Wait, couldn't you just do it and pretend you're me? Well, you are me, but in the past and my mindscape..." Sabre asked, blinking up at Other Sabre hopefully.

"No. As much as I want to, I can't. I'm not fully physical, I cannot enter your world, I'm just in your mindscape, like you said. If I tried to, either I'd be destroyed, or I'd just be a ghostly figure that couldn't touch or do anything but stand there. I don't know what would happen, it's an even chance and I don't want to risk being destroyed." Other Sabre groaned and looked at the ground.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now