Chapter 22

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- Sabre's POV -

"Rainbow?" Sabre gasped, shakily stepping back.

Rainbow didn't answer, only shutting his mouth as the screaming cut off.

He stared at Sabre, an unsettling stare filled with ages of pain behind it.

"Rainbow...what happened?" Sabre murmured, nervously reaching towards him.

Rainbow stepped back, his stare shifting from Sabre's face to his hand. Rainbow reared back with a snarl, then turned around and ran away, leaving a trail of blood behind him.

"WAIT!" Sabre yelped, running after him. Despite Sabre being sure he was running fast, Rainbow seemed to be faster, disappearing from view very quickly.

I'll just follow the trail he left. Sabre glanced down at the blood trail, but gasped when he saw it was gone.

The dark greyish-green grass suddenly disappeared, and Sabre was back in the black void.

Sabre gasped and stepped back, but there seemed to be some sort of invisible cliff, as he tumbled backwards and was falling.

Sabre shrieked, but couldn't make a noise.

He landed with a THUD at some sort of place he didn't recognise.

It was some sort of forest, but a group of people were gathered in a clearing.
They were gathered around something Sabre couldn't get a chance to look at because of the people crowding it.

"Hello?" Sabre murmured, stepping forward.

Laughter echoed through the empty space, sounding chilling but also somehow...familiar.

"H-hello?" Sabre called, shaking slightly.

More laughter. "Hello..."
A figure appeared before Sabre, "Sabre."

Sabre shrieked and leapt back.

"Isn't it obvious?" The figure grinned.

Sabre stepped back, eyes wide.
"Wha---are you me?"
The figure looked identical to him, but he looked like he was in greyscale.

"Kind of." The...other...greyscale Sabre shrugged.

"How many versions of me are there?!" Sabre shrieked, clutching his hair.

Greyscale Sabre laughed with a shrug.
Although his laugh sounded sinister, Sabre chuckled with him, hoping this new Sabre was nice.

"Anyway. You're probably confused on where you are and what's happening, right?" Greyscale Sabre smiled, but his smile gave Sabre an unsettled feeling.

"Yeah! I am quite confused. Are you here to help me?" Sabre asked.

"Hah! Help you?!" Greyscale Sabre barked a laugh.

Sabre's smile dropped.

"My name is Shadow Sabre. I'm part of the Darkness. You can say goodbye to any of your freedom now. I'm in control." A wide, maniacal grin spread across his face.

Sabre stepped a few steps back, surprise, fear and confusion whirling around in his head.

Then the forest disappeared, along with Shadow Sabre, and Sabre found himself floating in the endless black space again.

"Wha--?" Sabre murmured, before trying to look around, "Hello?"

There was no response. Sabre wasn't surprised at this, but it still was creepy.

"Hello?!" He called again.

Shadow Sabre's laughter echoed around, but Sabre couldn't see the greyscale-version of him.

"It's Shadow Sabre, right? Where am I? What are you doing?" Sabre glared at the empty space, hoping he might be glaring at the seemingly invisible Shadow Sabre.

"Oh I'm not doing much." Shadow Sabre murmured, small chuckles echoing around as he spoke.

Then his face appeared in front of Sabre, his grin wide and almost unnatural.
"But you are now part of the Darkness. Welcome, Sabre."

Sabre's eyes widened under his blindfold, and he tried to push himself back away from Shadow Sabre's face, but it seemed to just follow him.

Shadow Sabre laughed. "Do you think you can escape? Hah! This nightmare will never end!"

Sabre stared at him, speechless, terrified, and confused.
Then he frowned. "I will escape."

Shadow Sabre laughed but disappeared.

"Alright." Shadow Sabre's face was gone, but Sabre could hear the smile in his voice, "Good luck then."

Sabre clenched his fists, and squeezed his eyes shut under his blindfold.

A few seconds later, he felt shocks spread throughout his arm.

When he opened his eyes again, both his arms were alight with lighting.
Sabre screamed as he threw the lightning forward, into the dark nothingness.

Shadow appeared again as the lightning started spreading throughout the darkness, turning the area to white.

Shadow looked around in a bit of shock, then shrieked in anger wordlessly.

Then the light encased everything.


Short Chapter lol but at least it's out! :D

Hope you like it, and I hope the little bit of horror in this is alright hehe

Have a good day/night and I hope I can update soon!

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