Chapter 13

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Hello!!! It's been a while, huh?
I'm so sorry about that.
I had no ideas and no motivation to write, and whenever I did I was overloaded with work from school and life in general. Also, my mental health wasn't doing too well and to top it all off, a few days ago I got Covid.

All of my books are going to be put on hold, although I will work on them every now and then hopefully.

This is a WIP (work in progress) of Chapter 13, because I don't want to leave you with nothing.

I'm sorry again, I hope you understand and I hope to see you all soon with an updated/finished chapter.
Stay safe and have a good day/night.

-----Sabre's POV-----

He sighed, watching the Green Steve wrap bandages on his arms.

Light was in the other corner, his eyes squeezed closed to ignore the pain as the Green Steve cleaned his wound.

Time was watching them with crossed arms (not out of anger, just boredom). He sighed and took out a sketchbook and started drawing in it.

Sabre couldn't see what Time was drawing, but he was interested to see what it was. 

He recalled a few times (haha, funny pun) where Time had mentioned being an artist to Sabre.
Also, hadn't Time called his art bad once? Well, Sabre had seen it before and it was not bad at all!

Once his bandages were finished and and Green Steve had walked off, Sabre gingerly walked over to Time and stood in front of him.
"Whatcha drawing?" Sabre asked.

Time jumped back and clutched the sketchbook to his chest with wide eyes. "Ack!" He paused and calmed down, chuckling a bit, "Sorry, you just scared me."

"Sorry Time!" Sabre laughed with him, "But what are you drawing? If you're okay with sharing."
Sabre knew that some artists weren't confident with sharing unfinished art, and he wasn't sure about Time.

"'s not finished...I'll show you it when it's finished...which will probably take a while." Time seemed shy, but Sabre brushed it off as Time being both still surprised about Sabre's sudden appearance, and that he didn't want to share the drawing yet.

Sabre smiled. "That's alright! I'm excited to see the finished product." He started to leave, but turned back to add; "Oh, and Time?"


"Don't worry about it looking bad, your art is great!" Sabre assured, then sat down again and glanced at his bandages to make sure they hadn't shifted.

He could almost feel Time staring at him with a happy grin.

"So, Sabre. What new adventure are we going on next?" Light jokingly called out from across the room, glancing at Sabre.

"Oh. Interesting question. I don't really know." Sabre frowned, still looking over his bandages.

A bit of silence followed, before Time took a few steps forward. "Would it be possible to..." Time trailed off, looking a bit nervous.

"Go on, Time. We're out of ideas here, we'd need to do something soon." Light prompted, smiling at the nervous Steve.

"Alright." Time paused again, before continuing, "Would it be possible to free Rainbow from the Darkness? We've gotten Steves out of the Darkness before." 

 There was another long pause.

" would be possible." Light murmured, "What do you think, Sabre?"

"We're going to try. He's our friend, we can't just let him down like that." Sabre immediately responded. 

Time and Light smiled at him and nodded.

"But how do we start? Capture him or something?" Time mused, glancing around the group as he placed his sketchbook in a satchel on his side. (I drew him in the other chapter without the satchel, oops. Just know he has a satchel lol)

Sabre grinned at Time. "That's exactly what we're going to do." 

Time and Light looked at him in a bit of surprise. "Are you sure? It's going to be a little hard." Sabre couldn't help but notice Light looking at Sabre's paralyzed arm when Light spoke.

Sabre sighed, looking away. "It's achievable." 

"Maybe we could be the ones to capture him and you try to get him out of the Darkness?" Time spoke up, both Light and Sabre turning to look at him, "I mean, you're the closest to Rainbow out of all of us, right? You've known him for years and I'm sure he'd listen to you." 

Sabre frowned. "That's true..."

"Then it's decided. We capture him and get Sabre to try to get him out of the Darkness." Light stood up from his seat with a determined smile, "We'll try our best not to hurt him too much."

Sabre nodded, feeling a twinge of guilt after realising they were most likely going to have to hurt Rainbow a bit to be able to capture him safely.

"I can help with that!" A cheerful voice startled the three Steves and they whipped around to spot someone they hadn't seen for a while...

He looked like a Purple Steve, but had swirls of blue and magenta with white speckles all over his hair and clothes. His bright yellow eyes glowed with a cheeky, but also kind aura.

"Galaxy Steve?" Light asked, blinking at him.

"Hi!" He chuckled.

"Nice to see you! It's been a while. You said you can help us?" Light asked, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah! I've known Rainbow for a while, although Sabre knew him longer, I knew him well!" Galaxy Steve glanced at Sabre.

Sabre grinned.

Galaxy chuckled a little nervously. "I've been watching you guys for a little while, after I ran off when Sabre..." He trailed off, hesitating for a moment before continuing, skipping over the slightly uncomfortable topic, "And I've seen what's been happening. I would like to help."

"Well, thank you. First things first, we will have to figure out the plan. We have a basic layout but that wouldn't go well when we actually capture Rainbow."

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now