Chapter 17

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Life is horrible at the moment and I've been focusing on my own personal stories instead of fanfictions, but I made a long chapter to hopefully make up for it.
I also hope that I can get back into the swing of writing and publishing Chapters. I might focus on this book alone instead of any of my other books so I can actually get them done. I've been learning to focus on one thing alone to actually finish things because I've had a habit of starting to write things but never finishing them (I've had it since I was 9 lol)

I might be rewriting the first few Chapters, as there's plot holes and also just generally bad writing.
Sabre is also sort of Time's grandfather in the past Chapters, which I don't want because I was shipping them (AND I AM NOT SHIPPING A GRANDFATHER AND GRANDCHILD!)
But for now I will just be publishing new Chapters, maybe in the future I'll rewrite them. (The Chapters I'll probably will be rewriting will be from Chapter 1 up to maybe Chapter 4 (and some other Chapters after that)

Anyway, hope you enjoy this angsty Chapter! (Yes it's angsty, there's a trigger warning below. Sorry if it's too violent)


TW: Descriptive (or at least I tried to be descriptive) violence, death, fighting, breakdowns.

(Buckle up for this Chapter hehe)

---Sabre's POV---

He sighed, spreading his wings in a long stretch.

It had been almost a week since the failed rescue mission, and Sabre had been training with Other Sabre at night since then.

He had learnt a few new things, and had practiced others.
He could fly and hover well, and had been able to create a few hills and some animals.
His fireballs had improved, and he'd learnt how to make lightning and small earthquakes.

Sabre stepped out towards the Rainbow Hub, his wings curled up on his back.
He seemed to just be casually walking to the Hub, but he had a clear idea on his mind.

Sabre glanced around, shivering at the chill in the morning air. Other Sabre had questioned why he'd wanted to wake up around 5am, and end the training early, and Sabre had just said he wanted to have a shorter training session.

But he was planning to get his friend back.

He had the whole idea in his head, and was confident he could stand a chance with his new powers.

Maybe he'd even be able to destroy Void and stop the Darkness once and for all.

Sabre smiled slightly as the sun rose, although it was still cold. He crouched and spread his wings, readying to take off.

"Where are you going?" A slightly accusatory voice asked from behind.

Sabre jumped with a small yelp, whipping around to see Elemental with crossed arms.

"Just for a morning flight. Y'know, stretch the wings." Sabre stammered then spoke quickly, "They get stiff if they're not used for a long time."

"Mhmm..." Elemental nodded with an unsure smirk on his face, "Right..."

Sabre felt awkward leaving now, just kind of glancing between the sky and Elemental, who kept staring at him.

"Can I join you?" Elemental finally asked.

"What?" Sabre blinked, although he had heard what Elemental had said, he didn't fully understand it.

"You're going to get Rainbow." Elemental smiled slightly as Sabre stepped back in shock, "I want to help you."

"How did you know?" Sabre half-folded his wings and stepped towards Elemental.

"It's kind of obvious. You're Rainbow's best friend, you wouldn't leave him behind." Elemental paused for a second and glanced away, "If Time was in Rainbow's position, I wouldn't have been able to wait as long as you have..."

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now