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Hello everyone! Hope you're having a good day/night wherever you are. 

I've recently gotten into the Rainbow Quest series, so I decided to make an AU about it.


When I was younger (now I feel old ;-;), I used to watch Steve Saga, and was OBSESSED with it. 

When it ended, I was devastated about Rainbow Steve's death and the fact that the series was done.

A few days after the first Rainbow Quest episode was made, I watched it. And was not impressed. I don't know why, but little me did not like the change and wanted the original series back. So I made a vow not to watch any of the Rainbow Quest episodes because it was, according to younger me, 'a rip-off of the original'. 

I was walking in the hallway of my high school two weeks ago and heard someone laughing. I looked over towards the laughter and saw someone pointing at another person who was cowering in a corner, and laughing at them. 

Me being a little goody-two-shoes, I stomped up to the person who was about two feet taller than me (I am small) and glared at him. "It's not nice to laugh at someone. Why are you even laughing anyway?" 

The person turned to me with an amused expression on his face, but he did look slightly annoyed. He said; "This b---h likes Steve Saga and Rainbow Quest! That's a series for babies!" 

I got mad, because I still re-watched Steve Saga episodes for the nostalgia, so I was technically still a fan. "You don't tease someone for liking something that you don't. Also, language." I replied.

We had an argument for about two minutes, then he walked off. The person turned to me and smiled. "Thank you for defending me, but it's true. Nobody likes the Steve Saga or Rainbow you even know what it is?"

"Of course I do! I used to watch Steve Saga all the time! It's so good!" 

We spent all of recess talking about the characters and plot twists, then as the bell went, I said to her: "Can we meet up here again at lunch? We can continue talking about it then." She nodded and then we went our separate ways to class.

Lunch comes by, and I arrive to see her sitting down with a sketch book and a pencil. I walk over without her noticing and look at what she's drawing.

And I am greeted by an AMAZING, I am not exaggerating this, drawing of Rainbow Steve. 

She looks up to me with my mouth just wide open and staring at it with wide eyes.

(I'm just going to start calling her Lucy, that's not her name but I just want to call her something other than 'she and her') 

Lucy looks extremely embarrassed and slams the sketch book closed. "It's terrible, I know..."

I shake my head and sit down. "No, it's amazing! That's better than mine." I show her my drawing of an oc (because I was scared of drawing anything that was fandom-related because I was teased in Year 4 because I drew a drawing of a character from the Steve Saga)

Lucy smiles at it and says; "That's really good!" 

I reply with: "Thank you, but yours is way better than mine. I can't draw poses for the life of me!" 

We both start laughing, then chat about the Steve Saga again, in-between eating lunch.

Just as the bell goes, and I'm packing up for Science, Lucy looks up at me. "Have you watched Rainbow Quest?" 

I feel slightly guilty and say: "Not yet, well I mean, kind of, I've watched one episode." 

Lucy smiles at me and says; "You should really watch it!" I don't want to say no, so I agree.

Two days later, she asks me what I thought of Rainbow Quest. And I feel even more guilty than I was when I said that I hadn't yet. I had forgotten completely about it!

I shake my head, saying that I had been busy with practice and that I will watch it later. (This was slightly true, I have music and Speech & Drama practice, but I still had time for free time, but it had slipped my mind.)

That afternoon, I sat down after practice and opened YouTube. I got a recommendation of an episode of Rainbow Quest, so I decided to watch it.

 (It was the episode where they had Rainbow Quest Rainbow Steve's funeral)

Obsession kicks in again and even though I'm feeling extremely sad for the Rainbow Steve I didn't know, I'm instantly in love with it. 

Brain went: AU time, and here I am.

Welp, that was an essay, not info ;-;

But yeah, I hope you enjoy the story after this batch of information.

Good bye!

(Edit 20/12/2021: I'm looking at the cover and I don't like it at all, might re-draw it, might not, but I just don't like it :P)

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