Chapter 21

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In January 2024 I'm going on a trip to New Zealand because my grandmother wants to visit some of our family members who live in New Zealand.
We're going to have a 10-day-long road trip across New Zealand which I'm SUPER excited for. The longest road trip I've gone on was 2 hours, and I've always wanted to go on a long road trip so I'm very happy. I know people complain about long road trips but I just want to experience one. So I probably won't be online much during those 10 days. I don't know the exact day when it's going to start, but I'll let you know as soon as I know.

Anyway, on with the Chapter! TWs below.

Trigger Warnings: Injuries, descriptions of horror elements, nightmares, corruption.
Buckle up for this one :D

If you're still here, stay safe and enjoy the Chapter!

---Sabre's POV---

He stumbled out of the building, subconsciously wondering why the Darkness he saw ignored him and just walked past him.

Sabre thought that maybe they were trying to not get killed, but they just casually walked past him as if he was one of them.
Maybe it was some sort of default mode now that they didn't have a leader? But they had Soul and Corruption, surely the leadership would go to one or both of them?

Sabre shrugged with his non-paralyzed arm and continued walking.
Other Sabre had disappeared back into their mindscape a while ago, a little after Sabre had been convinced by Other Sabre to ask Void about his past, which had proved both useful and annoying, because now there was a tiny bit of guilt in Sabre's mind about killing him.

But he had pushed past that guilt by reminding himself of all the horrors Void had done.
Other Sabre had helped a bit with that by listing off things Void had done that Sabre hadn't previously known about, which made him shiver just thinking about.

Sabre spread his wings (despite them both being slightly burnt from some of Void's fireballs and lightning strikes) and managed to get back home despite his injuries and the rocky flight, although he had to stop a few times to rest for a bit.


"Sabre!" Time called, running up to Sabre as he landed near their house.

Sabre blinked in surprise when he saw a small team of Colourless Guards that had been talking to Light, Time and Elemental before they had spotted him.

"You're hurt! What happened?" Time glanced over Sabre's wounds, occasionally grabbing his arms and wings and moving them to get a better look at Sabre's injuries, but Sabre managed to pull away.

He crossed his arms and wrapped his wings around his body (ignoring the stings of pain he got when burns and injuries brushed each other) and huffed.
"I just...fought Void, is all, man. No need to get so worried." He shrugged, ignoring the shocked and worried looks.

"YOU FOUGHT VOID?!" Time shrieked, "I left a note specifically telling you to NOT do that!"

"Yeah, but I won." Sabre muttered.

"You won?" Elemental grinned, appearing next to Time, who jumped back.

"Do not encourage him, Elemental." Time glared at his brother once he calmed down.
Elemental rolled his eyes.

"And how exactly did you win, Sabre? Did Void surrender? Which I seriously doubt, no offence." Light frowned, his arms crossed.

"Oh. I killed him." Sabre smiled, not understanding why everyone stared at him with a look of shock.

"You killed him?" Time gasped.

Sabre nodded, spotting the Colourless Guards behind them glancing at each other in what seemed to be shock.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now