Chapter 3

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(I got extremely lazy so I'm sorry about that, so there's going to be a big time-skip. It's been 4 days since Sabre was flattened by rocks (lol))

------Sabre's POV----------

A stab of pain flashed through his arm and his eyes shot open.

Sabre was staring up at a wooden roof and he was wrapped in bandages. 

He sat up with some difficulty and looked around.

Green Steve's house. Sabre thought, recognizing his friend's place.

A window was open nearby, with small cold breezes drifting through it. 

Wait! What happened to Rainbow Steve, Time Steve and Elemental Steve?! A burst of panic spread through Sabre and he attempted to get up.

As he tried to move his arm, he realized that it was wrapped up in some sort of cast.

Sabre sighed and stood up shakily, still slightly unbalanced from his wounds.

How long was I unconscious for? Sabre thought as he carefully snuck down the stairs.

Green Steve was curled up on the couch nearby, snoring.

Sabre jumped as there was a small thump and an: "Owwww..." came from outside. 

Sabre looked out to see Rainbow Steve on the floor outside the door, glaring at a tiny rock nearby his foot.

He chuckled, figuring out quickly that Rainbow Steve was coming up the path and then was tripped up by the tiny rock.

Rainbow Steve looked up and gasped.

Scrambling to his feet, he beamed. "You're awake!" Rainbow Steve stepped inside and gave Sabre a hug.

"How long was I unconscious for?" Sabre glanced at Green Steve's direction as he spoke, not wanting to wake him up.

"Four days. How's your arm by the way?" Rainbow Steve reached towards Sabre's casted arm but drew his arms back as Sabre flinched. "Sorry." Rainbow Steve flashed him a nervous smile.

"It's okay. But I can't move it." As Rainbow Steve's expression turned worried, Sabre tried to reassure him. "It's most likely because of the cast, don't worry. Casts are meant to make sure you don't move it and hurt it more. So it's fine." Sabre couldn't help but worry himself.

I would be able to move it a little bit at least, but I can't move it at all. It'll be fine, right? Sabre glanced at his arm, letting out a sigh.

"Oh! Sabre, you're awake!" Green Steve's voice behind him dragged Sabre out of his thoughts and he turned to his friend.

Green Steve smiled and walked over.

"Sorry if we woke you up, Green Steve." Rainbow Steve apologised. 

"Nah, it's fine. I was half awake already though." Green Steve shrugged with a small chuckle.

Did Green Steve hear me? I hope he doesn't worry about me, I'll be fine. I don't want them to worry about me. Sabre worried inwardly, but smiled at the two Steves.

-------------------------Yet again, another time-skip :) ------------------------

Sabre watched the two Green Steves duel, slashing at each other with their swords.

He had been assigned to watch over the practise for the fights against the Darkness.

Everyone in every village had been practising for about a week now. The leaders had decided that it would be easier to drive of the Darkness that way, and also protect themselves.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now