Chapter 5

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(I'm sorry about the huge delay of updates. School's been painful and I've been working on a very long one-shot because I want it to be a one-shot and no double chapters, but I'm nowhere near the ending (at this time of writing this) and it's really huge lol

Onto the story!)

------------------Galaxy Steve's POV----------------

He frowned at Rainbow Steve, watching him cautiously. 

The rainbow-coloured Steve, who was normally really happy and bubbly, was snappy and very obviously angry.

Light Steve, Time Steve, Elemental Steve, Rainbow Steve, Galaxy Steve and a few Colourless Guards were sitting around a table, discussing the plan of action on how to get Sabre back.

Rainbow Steve wasn't contributing, he just sat there with his head down, eyes closed and fists clenched.

Galaxy Steve worried for him, he knew Rainbow Steve was really close to Sabre and definitely didn't take it easy to him being captured by the enemy.

Rainbow Steve's head flashed up as everyone started standing up, looking a bit surprised.

"Welcome back to Earth, Rainbow Steve." Galaxy Steve joked, trying to loosen the mood a bit.

Rainbow Steve glared at him, then sighed. "What's the plan? I wasn't really listening much..." Rainbow Steve admitted, crossing his arms. (salty Rainbow lol) 

"We're going to sneak in disguised as figures of Darkness as best as we can. Break Sabre out and run...I must admit, it's not the best plan. If things turn to worst and we get found out, we just attack." Galaxy Steve frowned, repeating the plan in his head. It's 100% a terrible plan...but it is possible that it could work. If the Darkness is dumb enough to not think about it.

Rainbow Steve sighed, then stood up. "Look, I'm sorry. I was rude to you in the past and I was rude to you now. It was wrong of me, I should've thought of what I was saying before. was fun to threaten you with sticks." Rainbow Steve flashed him a quick smile.

Galaxy Steve was shocked for a moment, then smiled. "Thank you. And threatening me with sticks was not fun for me." Galaxy Steve lifted one eyebrow. He was glad Rainbow Steve was kind of recovering from Sabre being gone temporarily.

Rainbow Steve smirked, then turned around and left the building. Galaxy Steve followed with a large smile on his face.

That smile was wiped off his face when he exited the building to face Rainbow Steve with a stick in his hand with a cheeky grin.

Galaxy Steve yelped and ran, Rainbow Steve dashing after him. "Come back, Galaxy!" 

"NO! I do not want to face a Rainbow Steve with a stick today, thank you!" Galaxy Steve turned his head around and glared at Rainbow Steve.

Rainbow Steve laughed and stopped, seeming to calm down. "Thanks for cheering me up, Galaxy. I really needed that." 

Galaxy Steve laughed. "I could tell. We should probably get ready now, we're going tomorrow." Galaxy Steve walked past him and yelped as he felt Rainbow Steve slap his arm with a stick.

"Got you." Rainbow Steve chuckled and ran off, leaving Galaxy Steve behind.

"Ow.." Galaxy Steve chuckled and followed him.

------------------------The Day of Freeing Sabre-------------------

Galaxy Steve smiled at Elemental Steve and Time Steve talking. They had grown up without him there and Galaxy Steve regretted that, but it made them closer as brothers than he had ever been with Void Steve, and ever will.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now