Chapter 6

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---------Rainbow Steve's POV---------

He stared in horror as Sabre collapsed to the floor.

Light Steve and Galaxy Steve were yelling angrily at Void Steve, but Rainbow Steve could only hear a loud ringing sound in his ears as he stared at Sabre's body.

Blood roared in his ears, joining the ringing sound. Rainbow Steve was shaking now, eyes still wide with shock.

He jumped as he felt something wrap around his waist, and Rainbow Steve looked down to see Time Steve clinging to Rainbow Steve, shaking and crying.

Elemental Steve was glaring at Void Steve, tears shining in his eyes while he had one hand on Time Steve's back.

Rainbow Steve hugged Time Steve back, now crying as well.

He could now hear what Galaxy Steve and Light Steve were threatening Void Steve with now; "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS WITH YOUR LIFE! YOU MONSTER!" Galaxy Steve was screaming, while Light Steve was joining in with: "I agree with Galaxy Steve!! You're a heartless monster, Void Steve! You WILL pay for this! I will make sure of it!"

The Colourless Guards were all stiff, and Rainbow Steve could swear that one was crying, with all the sniffling sounds he was making. One was seemingly eyeing off his weapon nearby, and the Darkness holding him down as if planning to grab it and kill the Darkness and Void Steve.

Rainbow Steve glanced back at the Darkness that killed Sabre, who was still standing near his body.

His eyes widened.

Was that movement? No, Sabre was dead, it must just be his own imagination.

He sighed sadly, then looked up again as it seemed Sabre moved his hand.

Gasping, he straightened up as Sabre semi-sat up, looking quite confused and in pain.

"SABRE?!" Rainbow Steve yelped in joy as Sabre looked around.

"What?! He was dead!" Void Steve yelled, anger and shock in his gaze.

Everyone was silent, still shaken by this turn of events.

Time Steve rubbed his eyes and sat up, Elemental Steve stared with an open mouth, while Galaxy Steve and Light Steve were half-shocked, half-determined.

"Go!" Light Steve snapped and punched the Darkness back, grabbing the nearest Colourless Guard weapon.

He swung it around and stabbed the other Darkness figures, watching them fade into nothing after he destroyed them.

Elemental Steve cheered and jumped to his feet. Summoning a fireball, he shot it at Void Steve's face.

Yelping, Void Steve fell back.

Rainbow Steve smiled and jumped up.

Racing towards the entrance to the glass cage thing, he yanked it open.

He darted inside and tackled D (if you haven't read the last chapter, 1: Go read it and 2: that's what I was calling the darkness that was fighting Sabre)

D hissed and reached for his sword.

He gasped when he realised that Sabre was wielding it with one hand.

Stabbing forward, he missed Rainbow Steve (deliberately lol) and slashed D's head.

Rainbow Steve sat up, grabbed Sabre's hand, and ran.

After a few moments, all of the group managed to escape.

They ducked under a tree, huddling in the shadows to hide.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now