Chapter 19

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--Sabre's POV--

He sat up, glancing around and keeping his breath as quiet as possible so he could listen out for any movements.

It was pitch-black, except for one small lantern next to Sabre's bed.

Sabre slowly sat up, still listening out for any signs of others, but only hearing the sounds of his own movements and the crickets outside.

He wasn't sure how long he had been asleep, although he was sure it wasn't more than a day.

Maybe it was even the same day as when he had first woken up after the...incident...or at least the early before-sunrise hours of the next day.

Sabre slowly opened his doors, creeping down the short hallway and down the stairs, pausing to step over that one creaky step that had startled him many times before when he had gotten up in the early hours of the morning when he couldn't sleep.

Rainbow was usually the one who would come down and help him get back to sleep.


Sabre stopped to press his hand up against his eyes and mouth to not start sobbing loudly.

He couldn't be caught.

Sabre continued down the stairs, pausing to blink in surprise at what he found when he got to the bottom step.

Light and Elemental were curled up on the couches, with Elemental snoring loudly with the blanket askew and Light sleeping peacefully with a tightly-wrapped blanket.
Sabre had expected that.

But what he hadn't expected was Time lying in a sleeping bag at the bottom of the steps with a sticky note on his face that said:
'Sabre, if you even think about sneaking out I will find you and freeze you in time for as long as I can as a punishment.
Don't do it. We have a plan and if you don't sneak out we can consider to make you a part of said plan. But if you sneak out then I will freeze you in time (like I mentioned before) and remove you from all parts of the plan except the part that says: 'Sabre stays at home resting.'
Don't test me. I don't care if you're the Almighty Creator of the World and Origin or whatever. I will do it.'

Sabre both sighed and chuckled at the same time, although covering his mouth to stiffle his laughter.

Then a confident thought flashed through his mind.
How could Time even stop me? Even he mentioned I am the Creator of the World and Origin. Even if he freezes me, I can just get out.
And I don't need to worry about the plan, and they don't either. Once I defeat Void, they won't need their plan at all!

Then they will all thank me and I won't need to focus on...
And his death...
And all the guilty thoughts I have...
And how I could've stopped it...

Sabre stopped himself from going down into the spiral of thoughts, almost stamping his foot on the stairs to snap himself back to focus before managing to stop himself so he wouldn't wake the three Steves up.

He quietly shook his head to focus.
Focus, me! You need to focus on killing Void! Don't think of anything else.
Alright. Let's go.

Sabre carefully snuck over Time and managed to sneak outside, giving a silent cheer that he hadn't woken anyone up and spread his wings, lifting off into the air and soaring to Void's lair to finally kill him.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now