Chapter 15

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---Sabre's POV---

He ran outside, to where the group had set up the machine.

He was hoping they were there, and alright.

Luckily, they were. The worst injury they had was that Light had a small scratch on his cheek. It, luckily (again), wasn't infected.

"Sabre!" Time called happily.
Sabre immediately noticed that Elemental had tagged along.

"Hi Time." He smiled, but still was replaying Rainbow leaving in his head.

"Did you find any sign of Rainbow? We didn't find him." Light asked. Galaxy nodded with a worried look.

I, uhm...I did see him." Sabre murmured.

"Did he say anything?" Elemental asked, looking eager for a fight.

Sabre paused, staring at Elemental with a wide-eyed expression (although they couldn't see it because of his blindfold.)
"He...well...we fought for a short time but then he broke out of the corruption for a little bit.
He said that we had to leave, before we were hurt...he left before I could talk sense into him."

The group was silent before Time fixed a determined expression on his face.
"That has to be the Darkness talking for him! We're going to get him back, Sabre, don't worry about it!"

Sabre smiled a bit, Time's confidence being infectious.

But all that was left was a hollow feeling of fear when a dark laugh came from behind them.

"Oh dear...I'm afraid that isn't going to happen..."

Sabre whipped around to see Void flying above the trees they were hiding in, Soul and Corruption following behind him.

"Void!" Elemental yelled, clenching his fists.

Galaxy tensed and Light drew a spear.

"Rainbow is quite useful in my plan, dear enemies. But its cute to see you try and fail miserably." Void grinned manically, sending a shiver down Sabre's spine.

Void then shifted his gaze to Sabre, and if Sabre didn't have a blindfold on they would've locked eyes.

"Maybe I should just kill you all, right here, right now." Void smirked as the group took a step back, "But that wouldn't be fun, would it?'s what we're going to do."

The group glanced at eachother with a bit of worry and confusion before glaring back up at Void.

"You're going to run." Void grinned, his voice darkening as he flew slowly forwards.

"In your dreams, Void!" Elemental shouted, looking confident.

Void stared at him, before reaching into a pocket he had attached to his belt and taking out three shiny things.

The Crystals.
He had the Blue and Violet Crystals from earlier, but now he also had the Green Crystal.

"You see, I'm winning this battle. You have the Orange Crystal and the Red Crystal. But I can easily get those.
You don't have them on you, do you?" Void asked, smiling evilly.

Sabre glared at him but shook his head.

"Ah, shame. That would've been a little easier. But oh well, I can just get them soon enough. Won't be much of a challenge." Void shrugged.

"He's really doing a full villain monologue, isn't he?" Galaxy whispered to Light, who let out a quiet snort and covered his mouth as he tried not to giggle.

"ARE YOU LAUGHING IN THE MIDDLE OF MY SPEECH?!" Void bellowed, causing the whole group to laugh.

Elemental almost fell over, Time held a hand to his mouth after a few giggles but kept smiling, Sabre had a quick laugh but stopped quickly, Galaxy was close to almost falling over too, and Light struggled even more to not giggle.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now