Chapter 20

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I got a spider bite on my neck and another unknown (idk what did it, looks like a swollen mosquito bite but idk) bite on my hand that both STINGGGGGG
They hurt a lot lol (at the time of writing this they feel a bit better but still hurt)
I've also got to practice two songs for a school Cabaret in two weeks (the songs are Stupid Cupid by Connie Francis and Moondance by Michael Bublé) with three other people :)
Anyway, any TWs will be listed under this before the chapter begins, but I hope you enjoy this Chapter!

TWs: Violence/fighting, death. Proceed with caution and stay safe :D

---Void's POV---

"Sir!" A figure of Darkness burst into his 'office', with a terrified look in their eyes. Void noticed that they were the one who had given themselves a dark blue scarf, which Void had tried to get them to take off but eventually gave up on it.

Void whipped around with a glare.
"Do I have to repeat to everyone for the tenth time now to KNOCK?!"

The Darkness figure shrank into himself, another look of terror on their face.

Void groaned. "Fine. What?" He snapped and the Darkness figure eventually mustered up courage to talk, which Void rolled his eyes at the time it took to do.

"There's an invader in the castle." The Darkness figure murmured.

Void's eyes widened slightly in just a little bit of confusion. "Who? Do you know?"

"I think it's Sabre. The non-Steve. One of the Third Hero's friends." The Darkness figure glanced away as Void huffed.

"How far in is he?" Void was expecting for him to maybe be past the first line of defence and only just entering the castle. He was weak, anyway.

"He's at the very least at the last line of defence. He could be here at any moment if Corruption and Soul fail to stop him." The Darkness figure looked even more worried, continuously glancing at the door as if Sabre would burst in at any moment.

Void's eye widened again. "...What.

The Darkness figure stammered, not saying any particular words, looking terrified of both Void and the possibility of Sabre's arrival.
"H-He seemed pretty determined to get through. I think he's after you."

Void was silent at that. Although he knew Sabre was weak, he had to admit the non-Steve had put up quite a fight the last time they met. And Void was still recovering.

He would've lifted a hand to the few burns scars he had gained from their last fight if the Darkness figure wasn't there. He didn't want to seem weak in front of any of the Darkness.

Void grumbled and turned away from the Darkness figure.
"Leave me. I will fight him when he arrives."

"But sir---you might--" The Darkness figure started, but stepped back when Void whipped around.

"What?! I won't loose. I'll be fine!" Void snapped at the Darkness figure, who nodded quickly.

"O-of course! You're the great Void! I was just...just making sure you were okay...?" The Darkness figure smiled and Void sighed.

"I'm...fine." Void turned away again, ignoring the Darkness figure waving at him as they left, also pretending to not hear them wish him good luck.


Void was sitting at his desk, and had been for about five minutes. He was tapping his foot on the ground, holding a sword while glaring at it.

He had been waiting for Sabre to arrive since the Darkness figure left, and was starting to wonder if Sabre had been defeated or not. But he was sure that a Darkness figure would come in and tell him, whether or not it was the same one as before.

Paralyzed - Rainbow Quest AU (Might Be Rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now