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Even though Minho's outburst kept everyone minding their own business, I did not fail to notice the secret glances, glares, and whispers floating about. I took in a deep breath and continued walking, trying to ignore them.

"YAH Sungie! Are you even listening?!"

"Oh uh sorry I was thinking about something"

"Stop thinking, let's get Innie a man!"

"Lix stop it!" whisper-shouted Jeongin as we were near the table. I and Felix just laughed as Jeongin covered his face with his sweater paws. Ever since Jeongin started liking the older, he started overthinking about everything and asked for our opinions on what he should wear. Today Seungmin picked out Innie's outfit. He wore a Pink and White striped sweater tucked into a pair of light blue, high-waisted denim jeans. He topped it off with a white beret and white vans. He always looked cute to me and my friends, but this outfit made him look adorable, delightful, endearing, lovely, and damn pretty. Even Seungmin was surprised how minimalist fashion style looked amazing on Jeongin.

"Hey, Jeongin!," -Chan patted the seat next to him-"Come sit here!" Innie looked happy to oblige. Jeongin sat in the middle of Chan and Hyunjin, and I was about to laugh at the face Seungmin made before he literally yeeted Hyunjin to the side and sat in between Jeongin and Hyunjin. The look on Seungmin's face was rather a sight to see. I smiled and sat beside Minho who had just scooted over to make space for me. Felix looked at me and motioned me to move forward but instead, Changbin pulled Felix so he sat beside him. "Yah! Get your disgusting hands off me" 

Changbin made a sound of disapproval and crossed his arms. Minho then spoke up "We all know each other but in case you forgot, this is Jisung" -he pointed towards me- "The one wearing the beret is Chan's cafe worker and friend, Jeongin. The one who's glaring at Hyunjin is Seungmin" Seungmin gave a bored stare to Minho. "And I'm Felix, no need for the sappy introduction"

Hyunjin didn't look too interested, he took out his phone and began typing something. Chan and Jeongin started talking, what's weird was that I noticed Chan giving secret glances and smiles to Jeongin as they talked. Felix as usual, couldn't sit still and began a conversation with Changbin. "They're so oblivious" I looked to see Minho pointing towards Chan and Jeongin 

"Does Chan also like Jeongin?"

"Chan has complimented how he looks about 10 times now, and he's patting Jeongin's head now, could they get any more obvious?"


I looked to see Jisung's face drop and he started to fiddle with his fingers and mumble "I wouldn't know anything about it" 

Why wouldn't he- Does he not watch movies? or does that mean San didn't flirt with Jisung? Of course, San's a fucking piece of shit, he wouldn't. Did Jisung never have any other Boyfriend before? Damn... It must've been hard.

"Well, that means we get to see the birth of a new couple" I acted as if I didn't hear him and tried to lift the mood. No, I am not ignoring his feelings, I just don't know what to tell him yet. All I know is that seeing him sad just did something to me. It felt like someone started nailing my heart to a wall. My thoughts were interrupted by an announcement in the cafeteria:

All students are to submit the club forms by the end of the next period. 

Jisung abruptly stood up along with half the cafeteria who wanted to join clubs, I tried to call out for him but he seemed to have been in a hurry so he could get a spot. I looked back at my friends, all of them were eating along with Jisung's friends, then without hesitation, I ran after him. Considering how his friends weren't running after him, meant they trusted him and weren't expecting San to jump at him, but something in me told me to hurry.

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