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I love reading your comments, and they give me the motivation to write!~ <3


We walked back to our beach house and saw Hyunjin already riding the waves, running a hand through his now shoulder-length black hair. His shirt lying on a beach chair along with his sunglasses and ponytail. Minho, Edward, and Nikki went to Hyunjin and it looked like they were going to challenge each other. 

I didn't know how to surf so I just waved Minho a "see-you-later" and walked towards the house where Chan sat on one of the beach chairs on the porch and had his legs up on the railing. His blue Hawaiian shirt was unbuttoned and loosely hung on his shoulders showing his full chest, having a little shine to them because of the sun.

He was peacefully reading a book with great focus. My footsteps on the wooden floor alarmed him of my presence. He looked up with a slight flinch and laughed weirdly. 

"Hey Sungie" he greeted with a smile and set his book on the coffee table.

"Hellooooo" I replied, it was a little awkward considering we had never talked one to one before.

"So did you guys have fun?"

"Yeah it was amazing, there were so many fishes and corals" I recalled. I sat down in a chair beside him, pulling my knees to my chest and hugging them.

He smiled and nodded "That's good... that's good..." 

"Where's Innie though?"

"Oh he's taking a small nap, he asked me to wake him when you guys arrived but he seemed like he needed the rest so I let him sleep"

I bit my inner cheek, maybe his little side was fighting to take over so he was trying to sleep it off. But why would it show at a time like this, he's not under any pressure... Is he? 

"I really like him, Jisung"

My eyes widened at the sudden confession, I mean I always knew but why say it now. I looked at him, but he continued to gaze at the sparkling waves of the sea, he let out a shaky breath as if he was scared. I followed his gaze, just then I saw Nikki fall off her board and I winced. 

"I want to ask him to be mine but it will interfere with his studies, especially because I'll be going to college and he'll still be a Junior in high school. Then there's the fact that I'm 6 years older than him"

My heartbeat increased at the thought of our baby Innie getting a boyfriend, it felt weird. I was scared, worried, and happy for him.

What if what happened to me happened to him?

No, this is Chan we're talking about, he wouldn't hurt a fly

But what if he gets weirded out by Innie's headspace?

That I don't know...

 Jeongin liked Chan way too much and knowing Chan likes him back will make him jump out in happiness and Jeongin would drop out of high school if it meant being with Chan (Not like Seungmin would let that happen). Like hell age mattered, Jay-Z and Beyoncé are like 12 years apart, and Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds 11 years, so that was just an excuse. People who are in love would do anything and everything to be with one another, otherwise, it's not love. 

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