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Your comments gimme motivation to write!~ <3

Our heads whipped heads towards the sound of a camera shutter. I could only let out a nervous chuckle. Jeongin was holding a camera, Seungmin's mouth dropped open and Felix's ice cream fell out of its cone as the three stared at us. Minho quickly retracted his arms and his facial expression going back to a stone-like one and I stood still and wiped off my lips. 

"Uhhh- h-hey guys"

It's safe to say that I was in a hell lot of trouble. I had looked back at Minho for help who just slightly smirked before shrugging. He leaned down to my ear and spoke in a low voice "I'll be leaving now"

He gave a small smile to my friends and raised his hand as if taking an oath, and then he turned around on his heels to go home.

Yeah, so that's how he ditched me to deal with their nagging by myself. Betrayer. Also then I understood, Nikki didn't say " Oh and!.. near!... candy!!" she said, " Oh and your friends are near the candy stalls!"

As suspected, Seungmin started 

"What. The. Fuck. Was. That"

"It's called a kiss, Minnie. Just cause you've never..." my smile faded and my voice trailed down as I realized Seungmin was in no mood of joking. I gulped and quickly rambled "He asked me out now we're in a relationship"

"And you said yes" 


In that same creepy monotone, he asked "Do you not remember what happened last time?"

"I do but I promise it's nothing like tha-"

"We're leaving "

"Seungmin we haven't visited the haun-"


All of us flinched at his strict tone and we followed him like ducklings. The ride to Seungmin and the boy's home was eerie and quiet. As we got out of the car, he held my arm, digging his nails in, dragging me to his room, and locked it. I was a little scared getting a weird deja vu feeling and I felt like puking, but then I realized, it's Kim Seungmin we're talking about, it'll all pass. He let go of me harshly and began, 

"What's so different about this Minho? What has he done that San hasn't?! HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE HIM TO HURT YOU?!"

I took a deep breath and said "He saved me. And you know it. He saved me when I was about to drown" Returning his glare with my own stare, I continued "We've talked a lot and he took me on dates and made me feel like I was worth something. So if you're done treating me like a bitch, I need to go home" 

I saw Seungmin clench his hands into fists but a few seconds later he loosened his grip and sighed. He went and sat on the edge of his bed with his hands on his face. His voice was soft and low and he portrayed his concerns,

"I just don't get it... Why? Why would you even try again? What if-" he sighed again and rubbed his face. I quietly walked and sat beside him. "Sungie I've known you for such a long time... I don't know what I'd do if something happens to you again. Do you even know how I felt last year? Seeing you in so much pain was killing me. Every night, you closed your door and I heard you crying, it broke me. I won't make the same mistake again, I made it my top priority to never let anyone hurt you"

I knew Seungmin never did anything without a reason, but this... Just him saying this made reality hit me hard. It wasn't his hobby to nag at us, he did it because he cared, it was his way of showing love, the way a mother shows her love to her kids by nagging at them and leading them to the right path, he did the same for us. To anyone else, they'd be disgusted and say that they don't want another mother but I lost mine when I was just a kid. To me, it meant the world. 

"Hyung... I'm sorry, I didn't know you were... worried" I couldn't find the words to say so I just hugged him and stayed like that for some time. "This time, I'll be extra careful, and I don't know how I can prove it to you but I know for a fact that this time it's different. Trust me, please"

"I trust you but not him"

"Next time we'll take extra measures to make sure I'm safe, okay?"

He looked at me with sad eyes and I swear I could see tears in them, but I didn't say anything. He nodded and looked away. I wrapped my arms around him once again and squeezed him "Don't be sad anymore hyuuuuunnnggg"

"I'm not!"

I laughed at him and let silence engulf us. Suddenly I remembered Felix and Innie.

"It's been too quiet, my 7th sense tells me they are up to something" 

We looked around the house for the two nuisances and really surprisingly, both of them were sound asleep. Felix was still in his jeans while Jeongin was in his light blue PJ shorts and shirt. The older of the two hugging the younger.

"Wow, this is a shock" I agreed and took a picture for blackmail. "Why don't you stay the night Sungie?"

"We have school tomorrow"

"You can wear some of Felix's clothes"

"Fair enough, and I'm sleeping on Mr.Deep voice's bed"

I slept under the blankets, in my boxers, and got cozied up in the sheets. I looked out the window to admire the night sky. A sudden extra weight on the bed made me flinch and sit upright only to realize it was Moa who wanted to sleep with me, so I let her. 

Damn, his bed is soft.

A/N= I'm back lol.

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