Chapter 32

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Sarah's POV

I was alone in the woods, the only sound apparent was my heavy breathing. I didn't see any walkers near me or any sign of life.

"Daryl?" I called out my eyes scanning the woods for any sign of him. The only thing that replied was the sound of nothingness.

My boots crunched against the ground, the sound echoing loudly through the woods. My heart was pounding, everything scaring me. The trees seemed to be surrounding me, almost trapping me in the mixture of their branches. The sun was shining down on me, the light sending me staggering backwards.

I moved on, my body hot and sore. Where was I? Where was everyone? Nothing added up. I reached for my gun, gasping when I realized I didn't have it with me.

"Sarah!" My name echoed through the quiet forest. It wouldn't stop. I ran towards where it seemed to be coming from, the branches of trees slapping against my skin.

"What the-" I came to a clearing, Daniel coming into view. He had a gun in his hand, pressed against Daryl's temple. He was beaten badly, it was obvious Daniel caught him off guard and used the opportunity.

"I've been waiting for you," He claims, his voice low and full of hatred,"I told you if you didn't give me the prison for my people, something would happen. For every action, there is a consequence." Tears pooled in my eyes. I diverted my focus between the two. Daryl looked as if he had given up.

"No." Daryl managed to mumble. Daniel delivered another blow, knocking Daryl to his feet. I began to move towards him, but the sound of a gun cocking.

"If you move, I will shoot him." I stopped, the state of isolation and helplessness taking over. His blue eyes looked into my mind, clouded with emotions.

"Why?" I asked, my voice cracking,"You don't have to do this just to get what you want. I'm not the leader of this group, Rick is. I am not making any deals without him, asshole."

"If you don't do something, he'll have a bullet in his head." I gulped, wiping away the tears from my cheeks.

"Sarah, listen to me," Daryl speaks up,"Don't give it to him."

"I'm not going to let him kill you, Daryl! Your life is worth so much more than us having a shelter. We can find another place to stay, because that's how we survive." I plead with him, my legs becoming wobbly. Why did I have to do this?

"Do what I told you to." He firmly states. He was giving himself up to save the others.


"The man said what he wants, let him have it!" Daniel snaps at me, annoyance highly apparent in his voice. My legs gave way. I fell to my knees, tears falling down my cheeks and noises escaping my lips. Daryl stared at me in pain, his eyes telling me the words he couldn't say.

"No, please. God no," I whispered over and over, looking to Daniel,"you don't have to do this!" I shouted, anger coursing through me.

"I warned you all. Rick ignored it! All of you!" If he took Daryl away, everything I stood and fought for. My chest heaved with each sob, my body shaking.

"No." I whispered one last time, looking into the man's eyes.

The sound of a gun ringing cut through the quiet forest like a knife.

I screamed, Daryl's body jerking before falling to the ground. He killed him, he killed him. I screamed violently once again, standing up and rushing him. I shoved him to the ground, straddling his waist as I threw numerous punches. I could see the blood on my hands, Daniel's eyes wide with horror.

"You took away everything!" I screamed, grabbing the gun he use to kill Daryl, pouring it to his forehead. He didn't soeak, my breathing the only thing audible.

I pulled the trigger.

Isat up, my breathing ragged. I was covered in sweat, but I still shook. Daryl wasn't next to me.

Panic coursed through me. I grabbed my boots, laced them up before running out of my cell. It was barely dawn, the sun beginning to rise. Everyone else was asleep.

I ran outside, my eyes scanning for Daryl. I spotted him, sitting on the ground, leaning against the watch tower with a lot cigarette in his hand. I ran up behind him, flinging my arms around him and clinging to his back.

"Shit, Sarah. You scared the hell out of me." I clung to him almost too scared to let go. I felt as if I did he would vanish, be ripped away from me violently. I didn't realize I was crying until he pulled away and frowned.

"What's wrong?" I plop down next to him, bowing my head and letting the tears fall,"Sarah?" His fingers delicately grabbed my chin and pulled my head up so I could look into his eyes. I cried harder, the images pouring into my head.

He sacrificed himself for me.

"Sarah, what's wrong?" He asks again, his voice calm. I was glad no one else was awake yet, being caught in my weakest state was only something I would allow Daryl to see.

"It was a nightmare." I fumbled over my words. Everything was so vivid, so realistic. The idea of losing him washed over me again sending my stomach plummeting. The only thing calming me was the fact he was next to me.

"About?" Daryl presses forward. I cave in, telling him everything about Daniel. His eyes never left mine the whole time I talked. When I finally finished, I released the sob I was holding in and fell into him. His large hands ran up and down my back as he whispered in my ear in an attempt to calm me down. I heaved another sob, my tears staining his shirt.

"Calm down, girlie. I got ya." I closed my eyes allowing the tears to fall silently down my cheeks. The quietness now surrounding us calmed me down more. Daryl didn't let me go; his hands still running up and down my back. I have endured my fair share of nightmares since the apocalypse started, but this one seemed to be the worse out of them all.

"I'm okay now." I mumble pulling away and wiping my eyes. He looks out to the field on alert.

"You sure?" He quietly asks, his voice holding an emotion I couldn't decipher. I nodded slowly.

"I think so." I reply. A shaky breath passes my lips as I stare at my hands. I could feel his eyes on me but I didn't bother to look up. I enjoyed the quietness of the world surrounding us. It almost felt like what was beyond these gates wasn't there; the walkers and Daniel seemingly not existing.

I glance over to Daryl out of the corner of my eye. He was intently focused on the woods, scanning for any kind of life or dead. My head rested against his shoulder, the need for him increasing. I pulled away, reaching for his chin and desperately pressing his lips to mine. He grunted, but responded quickly and laying me down so he hovered over me.

"This isn't really a good way to cope with your problems." He murmured into my neck as he kissed his way down to my shoulder. My hands ran down his back, closing my eyes slightly in content.

"I know, but it feels right and all I need is you right now." Daryl's hands reached for my t-shirt the soft fabric being taken in his hands.

"You really wanna do this?" He asked again. I nodded quickly.

"Not on the ground. The watch tower." We managed to pull away from each other in the intensity of the moment. I stood up and stumbled slightly, Daryl's hand quickly grabbing my wrist. I pulled away and moved to the watch tower, climbing up.

He was teasing me. Each step he took was slow and planned. I groaned, pacing around. I was brought back by the sound of his crossbow hitting the floor of the tower.

He closed the distance, pressing his lips against mine and pulling off my shirt. Thankfully no one was out here which have us all the privacy we needed.



That was fun lol


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