Chapter 31

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Rick immediately grabbed his gun, hoisting it into the air. I raised my crossbow, eyes locking with the attackers.

"Who are you?" Rick shouted out. His eyes locked with mine, nodding slightly. Carl stood next to him, a dazed and puzzled look on his face. But, he pulled out his gun and stood next to his dad.

"We just, came to talk." One of them said. Their voices sounded familiar, I just didn't know where I had heard them from.

"About?" Rick questioned. Glenn had come to join us, the rest of the group staying back to watch. Beth clung to her dad, everyone watching Rick and I.

"We have a group, a large one held up in a big town. I would like to get out of there, walker pile ups have been extreme." The man spoke, a smirk on his face.

"What the hell does that have to do with us?" I speak up, my crossbow aimed for his skull. He just laughed, bowing his head.

"We want the prison." My mouth dropped slightly. Carl tensed near me, his gun lowering slightly.

"You ain't getting the prison." Rick spit out, his voice full of anger and hatred. I regained my compusure, moving my crossbow with him as he moved.

"We have more people than you do," He turned to look at Carl,"I assume this is your boy?"

Rick didn't respond, but he knew very well that Carl was his.

"It would such a shame to see him dead, that's what will happen if you don't let us have it. Get out of here, go somewhere else. No violence, no nothing. But if you don't do that, we will take it."

"You will not get this prison if it is the last thing I do." Footsteps were heard behind us. I turned around, seeing Sarah running for Carl. Her arm swung over his chest protectively, pulling him with her towards the rest of the group.

"What a pretty lady you got there." I grit my teeth, the grip on my crossbow tightening. Sarah spun around, waves falling down her back.

"I'm not afraid to shoot you." The words rolled off her tongue with ease, her eyes sending daggers to him. It took him back a bit, Sarah taking the oppurtunity.

"You wouldn't-"

She pulled out the gun I had left in my cell, cocking it and pointing it straight for his head. Carl clung to her other arm, almost using her to shield himself. Her face was set, her eyes silently saying what she couldn't say.

"Take him up there." Rick speaks to her quietly. She gives him a nod, slowly lowering the gun. Carl wraps his arm around her waist, her arm around his shoulder as she pulls him away.

"Strong girl you have there," He remarks, eyes widened still,"I didn't know you had people as strong as her." Rick scoffed.

"Now you get away because my people will kill you." The man raises his hand, backing away with his friends before they disappeared in the woods. Turning around, I dashed over to Sarah who had Carl wrapped in her arms. Letting him go, she grabbed my arm and pulled me to the cell block. I could feel the eyes of the group on us yet I didn't care.

"Daryl." She mumbled, wrapping her arms around me tightly once inside my cell. I sighed, my arms wrapping around her small frame.

"I'm fine." I mumbled back, yet I didn't remove my arms from around her.

"Those guys," She pulled away slightly, green eyes locking with mine,"They were the ones from the house when we were in the closet? Remember? Daniel, I know for sure. The other one.."

"Never said his name." I finished for her. She nodded, hand running through her hair, a habit of nervousness. I lightly grabbed her wrist, pressing a kiss to her hand. She smiled slightly, her eyes regaining some of their color. Sarah slowly leaned in, her lips pressing firmly against mine.

"What if they come back?" She whispers quietly as she pulls away, her eyes searching mine.

"We'll fight them. Whatever they bring or whoever they bring we will take them, because this is our home and not theirs." I firmly state, my hands running up and down her arms. She sighs, resting her head on my shoulder. It becomes quiet; the only sound in the room is her faint breathing. The feeling of her was overwhelming. I was feeling something towards her, I couldn't describe what it was.

She was the light guiding me home.


Hello! I really want to thank everyone that has read my fanfiction. It is up to 1.18k reads! This amazing, I am so happy and I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

I did change the plot. The flu struck first and I changed the character of the governor to the character of Daniel. So, basically the main villain will be Daniel. Whatever you want to call it.

I love you ! Vote and comment please, it really helps me out !


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