Chapter 26

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Three days later, I was up and walking. I still felt ill, but not to the point where I could barely move. I couldn't go on runs yet, I wasn't physically able and Daryl would never let me. I helped Beth hang clothes, glancng over to see her smiling at me.

"What?" I ask with a slight laugh. I pin my own shirt to the line, the one I wore when I was sick.

"I'm just glad to see you awake," She replies with a small smile,"You being awake is better for us all. Daryl was slowly losing his mind and everyone was in shambles trying to figure out stuff." I smile at her, rubbing my hands together to relieve the sore muscles from hanging all the clothes. If I was doing this while I was sick, I would have been sitting down on a break due to tiredness.

"Anyone else have it?" Beth sighs, shaking her head.

"Glenn." My heart drops in my chest. I didn't think it made it into our own cell block other than me, but I was wrong.

"Is Maggie with him?"

"Hasn't left his side since he has been in there." I put the clothes down, telling her I would be back in a minute. I saw Daryl with Rick as they tried to mend a hole in the fence from the build up of walkers.

"Can I see your bandana?" I ask when I reach the two of them. He looks at me skeptically, reaching into his back pocket and extending his hand out. I grab it and tie it over my face, covering my nose and down. Even though I already had the flu, I wanted to be cautious. I turn around, strolling away from them.

"Where ya going?" He calls to me. I twist my head around and  wave my hand.

"To see Glenn." Rick and him lock eyes as everything locks into place.

"He's sick!" He yells behind me, the distance between us increasing.

"I know! That's why I needed the bandana." I entered our cell block, making my way to the other one. My boots scuffed against the ground as I grabbed a random pair of gloves from the kitchen, sliding them over my hands. I knew Daryl was most likely pissed, but I needed to see Glenn and offer him some sort of comfort. I mean I had been sick with the same thing as he was suffering from.

I managed to find the cell he was staying in, the sick ward was really filling up. Maggie sat beside him, holding his hand and running her fingers through his hair. For a second I saw Daryl and I, the way he stayed and didn't leave.

"Hey." I whispered. Maggie quickly turned her head towards me, smiling once she recgonized my features that were hidden under Daryl's bandana. I sat next to her taking a glance at Glenn. He looked miserable, the same way I did. I couldn't understand how Daryl could bear the sight of me, I know I wouldn't be able to if I was him.

"Hi." Her voice comes out small and fragile.

"How is he?" His breathing could be heard in the small room, labored and pained. I felt guilt, almost as if I was the one who made him sick. Maggie let out a shaky breath, a laugh escaping her lips.

"Horrible, honestly." I reached my hand to her shoulder, giving it squeeze of comfort. She placed her own hand over it. She bit her lip to keep herself from crying, her other hand reaching to wipe away a stray tear that was sliding down her face.

"At least he's safe, she can't get in here." We both knew who I was talking about, we didn't need to say names. Everyone knew about an hour after I was attacked. It flew around the prison, one of our own was killing people to stop the illness. She could've killed many of us, but the thing was Carol could kill one after another and the illness would still spread. It couldn't be stopped, it had to take down some people before it would finally stop.

"Carol isn't even in the group anymore." What? 

"Wait, what do you mean?" Her eyes widened as they locked with mine. I moved my hand off of her shoulder, trying to process everything.

"Rick kicked her out, gave her a car and supplies, banished her," My hands ran through my hair, shaking slightly but she continued,"She murdered two people Sarah, and almost killed you." MY bretahing increased as I stood up and paced around the room.

"I need to talk to Daryl, I'll be b-back later." I stammered out before piveting on my heel and swiftly exiting the room. I practically ran down the corridor, swinging the door open. I slammed into a hard chest, stumbling backwards slightly. It was Daryl. I harshly ripped his bandana off and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along with me to my cell. Once we entered, I couldn't contain it anymore.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me Carol got banished?" I yell at him, ignoring the fact that anyone in here can hear us.

"You were sick, you had other things you needed to worry about, not her." He retaliates, his voice calm but laced with anger.

"This is all my fault," I whisper as I grab my hair,"She's alone and she could die out there!"

"She killed two people. Almost killed you, and you're feeling sorry for her?" I twist myself around to face him, gritting my teeth and clenching my fists.

"I understand that, but she doesn't deserve to be alone in this hell of a world! I understood why she wanted to do it, she just thought it would stop it from spreading. Carol tried to help, she did."

"I can't believe you're saying this! She almost killed you, get that through your damn head." He shouts back to me. 

"She apologized!" He scoffs, turning away from me and shaking his head with a laugh.

"I don't think saying sorry for almost killing you on purpose is enough. You listen to everything anyone says, you believe them. You can't be gullible in this type of world." I grab my gun from beside my bed and pull it over my shoulder.

"You're right!" I exclaim as I throw my hands in the air, brushing past him before continuing,"I shouldn't listen! Which means I ain't gunna listen to you when you tell me to stay in here." I exit the cell block, being greeted by the familiar Georgia eat. Beth and Carl glance over to us, worried expressions etching into their features.

"You ain't going out there Sarah." Daryl sternly demands behind me.

"I am, and you ain't stopping me. I don't have to listen." I hiss at him. I walk up the gate and gesture for Carl to open and close it behind me. I step out, the gate swiflty closing behind me. He couldn't follow me.

"Sarah!" I turn around the see Beth standing at the gate with Carl. I can see Daryl lurking behind them, an angry scowl on his face,"Be careful, will you?" I give her a nod and a small smile, trying to assure her.

"I will be, I promise." With that, I walk down the gravel road away from the prison.

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