Chapter 12

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Sarah's POV

I awoke to the sound of the birds chirping outside. I rolled over, my arm absentmindedly reaching behind me to find Daryl. He was no where to be found.

I mumble a list of profanities under my lips as I stand up and stretch out my muscles. His crossbow and boots are gone so I assume he went outside to help Rick with something. I enter my own cell and tie my hair back and lace up my boots. I grab my gun and grab a granola bar before I finally make it outside.

It was hot out. The warm Georgia sun wrapped around my body. I glanced around in search of Daryl on not to be able to find him.

"He went on a run with Rick." I jump and spin around to see Maggie.

"How do you know I'm looking for Daryl?" I question.

"Well for starters I saw how you two were sleeping when I came to wake him up for Rick. Who else would you be looking for?" I blush slightly. She stalks off in search of Glenn. As I patrol the fences I see Carl slip under an opening in the fence and walk into the field.

"Carl?" I yell. Instead of turning around, he runs.

"For fucks sake." I hiss as I run to the opening and crawl through it. The sharp fences slashes my skin. I let out a groan before I finally pull through and stand to my full height. I squint slightly as I search for him. My eyes catch sight of brown hair and a hat. I take off despite hearing the group screaming for me not to.

I enter the familiar woods searching for him. I maneuver through the obstacles luckily missing a branch that would've knocked me on my ass.

"Carl this isn't funny." I yell as I pursue after the direction I saw him turn. What the hell was he doing? After twenty minutes of this game, I finally see him slouched over a tree and trying to catch his breath.

"What the hell Carl?" I almost scream at him as I grab his arm and pull him to look at me,"You could've been killed or even gotten me killed."

"I needed to get away from there for awhile. My dad was leaving so why not take advantage of that?" He simply tells me.

"I would've came with you instead of you turning around and leaving!" I throw my hands up in the air in an attempt to show him how I felt.

"I can handle myself."

"What would you do if you got surrounded? How would you clear a store by yourself to get good? You don't even have enough water. How the hell would you have done it?" He drops his head down and I know I hit a mark.

"I understand you wanted to leave. But this wasn't the right way to do it." My hand cups his cheek and he nods slowly. I don't like to scold him, but if I would've told him it was okay he probably would do it again.

"Let's go back." Carl states. I agree. We both begin to walk back when suddenly something feels wrong.

"This isn't the right way." I glance around and try and look for familiar objects.

"Are we lost?" He questions. I knew I couldn't lie on this one.


I start to feel myself panic. I wasn't completely alone this time, but if I didn't return to the prison with Carl, Rick would be torn apart. I was going to everything in my power to keep him safe.

"Alright here's the plan. We're going to find food and somewhere to hide. For right now we're going to stay low and hopefully within a few days we'll be able to maybe find our way back." I grab Carl by the shoulder and drag him the other direction with me. He seems scared, his face pale and his eyes wide.

Neither of us talked as we searched for food. I didn't know how long we would be out here. The group wouldn't be able to find us at this point due to how far we are out. My heart breaks because honestly, I miss Daryl. I don't know why I just wish he was out here with us. I can defend me and Carl easily but with him I feel a new sense of security and happiness.

"Sarah there's a deer." I put my arm out in front of him to cease his movements. Sure enough, there was a deer. I pull out my gun and line up my shot for its head. I use Carl's silencer and shoot the deer down.

"Well, we got some food."


It was nightfall and I sat with Carl by the fire we managed to create. He sat next to me closely as we ate the deer I skinned and cooked in silence. We had barely any water so we had to ration it. I just hope maybe the group has a clue of where we are.

I finish eating and offer the rest of my food to Carl. He shakes his head before continuing to eat his own.

"I'm sorry, Sarah. I fucked up." The words that come out of his mouth shock me slightly. I regain my composure and soothingly rub my hand on his back in an attempt to calm him down.

"You're alright. We'll be back in no time."

"What if we aren't?" He interjected,"What if they cant find us?"

I ran over the thought numerous times before I finally gave him an honest answer,"Carl I have no idea."

Daryl's POV.

I arrived back at the prison later that night with Rick. We had got some more food and a decent amount of water. The moment we stepped out of the car Maggie ran over to us.

"Did you guys run into Sarah and Carl?" She asks worriedly.

"Carl? Sarah?" Rick immediately fired back, suddenly looking rather frazzled.

"Carl.. He went under the fence to get away from the prison. Sarah saw him and went after him, but instead of stopping when she yelled at him he ran. They haven't been back at all and they left about noon I would say." Maggie barely whispered.

"You haven't seen any sign of them?" I practically hiss as my eyes wander the field. Fear rises inside of me at the thought of them being alone. I knew she could defend herself and she would defend that boy with her life, but I needed her here.

"Did anyone go look for them?" Rick snaps angrily. The absence of his son has already gotten to him.

"I did," Carol steps forward,"They were no where within a mile radius from the woods." I drop my crossbow and begin to pace, my hands angrily running through my hair.

"You two need to stay together. You guys are the closer things we have to leaders." I whirl around to face Glenn.

"Listen here, chinaman. Let me tell you one thing. Imagine having Maggie out there with Carl and you have no idea where they are or what supplies they have. Wrap your tucking head around the pain you would feel," I stop and angrily point to Rick,"Imagine having your son out there, the only piece of family you have left." Glenn backs up with his hands raised. I knew I hit a mark because he looked absolutely petrified.

"Daryl.." Carol makes an attempt to comfort me but I move my arm away and practically growl at her.

"You don't understand." Is all I say before I lift up my crossbow and turn to head into the prison. I enter the cell block and instead of going to my room, I go to hers.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence the curtain is lightly tugged back to reveal Maggie. She sits next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder lightly to see if I would pull away.

"Daryl, you know how strong she is. She'll be back with that kid and she may be injured or hungry or thirsty, but we can deal with it. Whatever state she comes back in we can handle it."

"I can't help but worry," I mumble before I raise my head,"I know she's strong but there's always that thought in the back of my mind."

"Let's hope for the best." She whispers as stands up and leaves. I gab my crossbow and head to the watch tower. I kick Tyreese out and scan the fields.

I will find them at any cost.

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