Chapter 29

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I was the first to awake today. Daryl slept peacefully beside me, his mouth agape as small snores escaped his lips. I removed myself from his arms, grabbing my boots and putting them on my feet. My hands swiped a ponytail from the ground and used it to tie my hair back. After that, I grabbed my gun and stood up, going to see if anyone needed help outside.

Once outside, Carl ran up to me. His gun bounced in his holster.

"Wanna come on a run with my dad and I?" He asks excitedly. I knew going on runs for him was such an excitement, usually Rick didn't take him.

"I'll go, where's your dad?" Carl turned around and pointed to where Rick was, crouched over a map of the state we were in. I walked up to him, getting close and crouching down next to him. My eyes scan the map where a red marker has marked an obvious trail to our destination.

"Do you mind if I come?" Rick turns to me and nods.

"It would be helpful to bring along someone else." I observe the map again, my fingers running up the mark.

"What do we need?" I asked quietly.

"Food." Over the past couple of weeks, out large food supply was being cut down. Hopefully wherever we go has some canned goods, if we wait any longer it could become deadly.

"Let me go get my bag then we can leave." He nodded as I stood up, trudging back inside. Once in my cell, I saw Daryl sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"I'm going on a run with Rick." I claim as my fingers grasp the leather fabric of my bag. Daryl's eyes scan up and down my body as he nods.

"Be safe, will ya?" I smile at him, leaning towards him and pressing our lips together in a kiss. Pulling away slightly, I nod, our lips only centimeters apart. He closes the distance once again, a sweet kiss being exchanged between the two of us.

"Always have been." I pull away, making sure my gun is over my shoulder. I give his hand one final squeeze before I exit the cell, my east still racing from the exchange between the two of us. Something about him drew me to him, always.

Once I was back outside, I saw Carl and Rick by the car waiting. I jogged over, tousling Carl's hair once I reached him.

"Ready?" Rick asks.


"Rick!" We all spin around to see Beth running at us, a smile on her face,"Can I come too?" I turned to Rick, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"Is it okay with your dad?"

"I asked. Need more experience out there anyways, please just let me come!" She begs, her blue eyes wide and filled with excitement. Beth had a good point, she had little experience out there in the real world.

"If she comes, she can be with me." I tell Rick. He nods, finally caving in.

"Alright you can come. We need to get going now." Out of the corner of my eye, I see Daryl come outside, his bandana hanging from his pocket. Beth and Carl climb in the back, Rick getting in the driver's seat. I set my bag and the floor, but keep my gun in my lap. Tyreese opens the door for us with the help of Maggie, the car speeding down the road.

"Is it bad out there?" Beth asked, her voice laced in excitement and nervousness.

"Depends," I reply, turning myself so I can look back at her,"Sometimes in a store there can be only two walkers, other times two dozen. Just stay close to me and you'll be fine." She nods quickly, looking out the window to break our eye contact.

Even though I am older than her by maybe five years, I still felt protective over her. Maggie and Hershel needed her, so I felt almost as if it was my job to keep her safe at any cost, almost like my relationship with Carl.

Guardian Angel (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now