Chapter 34

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Daryl's POV

After the car pulled away everyone was quiet. The danger lurking outside of the fences was fresh in everyone's mind, the enemy .we were challenging to keep this place and make it our home. Sarah I knew she would be okay, Glenn wouldn't let her get hurt. But, watching the car drive away was the most excruciating pain I had felt in awhile.

I was helping Rick handle a build up of walkers near the fence when suddenly I felt a drop of rain on my shoulder. I glanced up, the droplets of rain hitting my face. Eventually it slowed and everything stopped.

"That was short." Rick remarks. I nod gruffly to him, thrusting the stick in my hand forward and piercing through the walker's skull.

"Why are there so many walkers?" I ask. The more we kill it seems to be as if more replace them.

"I don't know. Everything seems to be crawling with walkers." Suddenly, the rain pours down. Rick and I stand in the pouring rain, stabbing the walkers. Rushed footsteps are heard behind me and I spin around to see Beth approaching. She stares into my eyes as she grabs a pointed stick from the ground. Then, she turns and stabs it into the walker's head.

The rain soaks completely through my clothes. After we manage to control the amount of walkers, I sprint off to the canopy. With the rain pouring down so rapidly, it's hard for me to see. Eventually I manage to get under it. I sigh, sitting down on one of the benches and rubbing my face. I run my hands up and down my arms to maybe get off some of the dirt that has accumulated over the long period of time.

"How is it?" I spin around quickly to see Maggie under the canopy. I grunt, running my hand over my face.

"Managed to get it under control. If it builds up again Rick and I will have to go out there again." I reply. She sits down next to me, biting her lip.

She looks over to me, her eyes glossy,"Something's wrong."

"What do you mean?" I question, leaning in closer. Maggie looks down at her shaking hands and releases a breath.

"Glenn and Sarah. Something's wrong and they need help. I can feel it," My heart begins to race at the thought that Sarah was hurt,"I don't know if I am being delusional or what, it just feels wrong."

"I know." I reply honestly. Even while trying to control the situation with the walkers, Sarah was the only thing I could think about. The rain made it hard to drive, hell I could barely see one foot ahead of me when I was running. The car wasn't the best one we had but it had the most gas in it.

"I just want them to come back." Maggie's voice cracks and she looks down at her lap. Awkwardly, I place my hand on her shoulder and give it a squeeze. Her hand moves up to cover mine. It was like what Sarah would do. I bowed my own head, my mind racing with the possible thoughts of what could and might happen.

"Me too," I whisper,"Me too."


They still weren't back and the rain had been cleared up for six hours.

I paced around her cell. Everything seemed to be crashing down on top of me. I shouldn't have let her go in the first place, this is my fault. Angrily, I slam my fist against the cement wall.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I yell bringing my hand in to my chest. Everything was building up and I couldn't handle it. I stormed out of the room in search for Rick. Everyone in the group was on edge.

"Rick!" I called out when I saw him in the kitchen. He turned to me and I noticed he had a map in his hand.

"I know why you're here," He claims as he unravels the map,"We're all going to look for them. It's been too long."

"Something happened." I reply to him, glancing over his shoulder to see the map. Distinctly, I could see the red amongst all the roads marking their trail.

"I know. Beth, Hershel, and Carl will stay here and watch the prison. For now our main goal is to find them." Rick stated. The group looked at us and nodded. Maggie held her gun, her hands shaking slightly.

"Let's go."


The ride was silent. Rick, Maggie, and I were in one car, the remaining members in other cars. I kept focused on the woods, trying to see if maybe I could catch a glimpse of somebody in the woods.

"No, no, no." Maggie cried out. I looked out the dirty windshield and saw the car we sent them in empty in the middle of the road. Rick slammed on the brakes of the car. I swung the door open and ran over to vehicle. It was empty.

"Tracks!" Sasha called out,"Look for tracks!" I walked along the side of the road hoping to see something. The rain had washed away all the tracks.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I yelled. A walker stumbled out of the woods and I raised my crossbow. I sent an arrow flying through its skull. The idea of not knowing anything about where they could possibly be scared the hell out of me.

"Daryl-" Maggie was cut off by the sound of rustling from the other side of the woods. We all turned and raised our weapons. A woman stepped out, a sword on her back and blood all over her.

"Who are you?" Rick asked angrily. Everyone had the same idea due to the blood on her. She raised her hands and grabbed the katana from where it was and dropped it to the ground.

"Michonne." She replied. Maggie was shaking again next to me.

"Did you kill our people?" I called out, ready to fire if she said the words that I was expecting.

"Were the two people named Sarah and Glenn?" She asked softly, her brown eyes locking with mine. How did she know their names?

"Where are they?" Maggie screamed at Michonne.

Michonne wiped her eyes,"Daniel took them. I-I was tied up in the car. Managed to get out because he saw them," She takes a deep breath before continuing,"I couldn't help. There were too many people of his. I know Sarah fired when they came near her, but something was already wrong. The side of her head was bleeding and when I saw her after I escaped, she could barely stand up."


"I don't know exactly what happened. Sarah shot an approaching man in the leg when they got Glenn, but then two men jumped her and took her down. Tied her up, threw her and Glenn into the truck. They're taking them back to a town called Woodbury. That's where I was until they decided they wanted to kill me because I didn't want to do what they said." Michonne finished.

"No," I muttered, my voice low,"Fuck!" I yell. Sarah, being ripped away from me again. It should've been me, I shouldn't have let her go in the first place.

"I can help you." Michonne interrupts all of us.

"How?" Maggie asks as a tear cascades down her cheek,"Please."

"I know where Woodbury is and I need you to trust me."

"What's the use of knowing where it is?" Rick asked.

"We are going to attack and get your people back."

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