Chapter 11

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Daryl's POV

I quickly enter her cell thankful that she is with Maggie to help make dinner. I grab her bag that lays on the floor and pull it up on the bed. I unzip it and begin to rummage through the contents.

It consists of clothes that she doesn't wear as well as some hair ties and a brush. My fingers brushed against something that was sticky and paper like. The picture.

I pulled it out expecting to see the picture of Jared and Sarah, yet its only her.

Her hair is down and she has a light smile on her face. She's looking the other way, her eyes wide and vivid. Makeup adorns her face and she wears nicer clothing. She looks younger but yet as beautiful as she is now. I put it to the side and grasp another paper like object at the bottom.

It was a note and a picture was attached to it. It was her and Jared. They looked identical. She had a dress on, I assumed it was one of the school dances they had in the city. Her arms were lovingly attached around her brother's waist and she was smiling widely at him. He looked at her with the same compassion. His lips were pressed against her cheek. I then realize how much he truly met to her.

It was a note that was attached to it.

I slowly opened and noticed a messy scrawl that covered the whole page.

Dear Sarah,

You're asleep next to me right now. I managed to light a candle without waking you up, you're a heavy sleeper like always.

The thing is, I know something bad is going to happen to me. I promised dad and mom I'd keep you safe, but I know you can protect yourself baby sis. And if we ever do get torn apart at least you have this note. Sarah, words cannot describe how much I love you. You haven't let this world mold you into someone else even though it's utter hell. You still put other peoples' safety in front of yours. You're still beautiful and just a good person inside and out. You're still so strong as well. Some people think you're weak because of your small frame and doe like eyes, but deep down you've got a heart of steel.

Now, I know this is hard for me to write but I want you to know that if something happens to me, you need to find somewhere. You cant be alone forever, you need a group to stay with. I don't know when or how I may die but I don't want you to. You don't deserve it. You deserve so much better than to be shot or torn apart by walkers.

You don't let other people change you, baby girl. If you do you won't be strong. Being strong is showing people what you truly are and fighting for who you love and what you believe in. I know you will, Sarah. I just need to make sure you understand how utterly important it is for you to be who you are and not let other people take advantage of you.

You'll always be my baby sister and if anyone hurt you.. I don't know what I'd do. I'll keep you safe whether I'm here or not. You'll find this note if something happens and you take my bag. You need to know I'm always going to be next to you even if you can't see me.

I love you, Sarah. More than I could put into words.



"You enjoying that letter?" I then quickly to be met by Sarah standing in the hallway with her arms crossed.


"You don't have to explain. You wanted answers so you went and found them." She plops herself on the bed and runs her hand gently over the picture of her and Jared.

"Have you read this letter?" I ask. She lets out a chuckle and shakes her head.

"I pretty much have it memorized." Sarah grabs it from out of my hands and puts it back into the bag to hide it from view. She grips the picture in her small fingers and puts it in as well. Instead of putting the one of herself away with it, she opens my hand and sets it in there.

"I don't need it." I close my hand around it tightly, almost as if I am trying to keep it safe.

"You sure?" Sarah nods as she sets her bag down on the floor next to where she sleeps.

"Yeah. Who else would I give it to?" I put the picture in my pocket.

"I don't know." I reply truthfully. I don't think anyone here cared as much for her as I did. Something about her made me feel as if I had I had to protect, I had to keep her safe. Not only that, but I was falling for her. Merle said falling for girls was for pussies, but even if I tried to stay away from her I couldn't.

"I care about you, I hope you know that." Her voice is small and fragile almost as if she was talking to someone she was frightened of.

"I care about ya too. Something about you, woman." I mumble as I sit next to her. She laughs, and it sounded genuine and not forced.

"It kind of pisses me off you went through my stuff but I'll get over it." She says.

"I hope you do."

It was quiet between us, both of enjoying if. These were the moments you always almost dreamed for, pure silence. A silence that made it seem like the hell that was outside didn't exist. That we weren't figuring for survival and that we weren't always in harms way.

Sarah hesitantly moves to lean her head on my shoulder. I tense up slightly but she doesn't move. She hums in content as my fingers lightly trail patterns up and down her arms. Her long hair strays down her back in a ponytail like usual. Eyelashes fan out over her cheekbones. She really was a pretty sight in an ugly world.

She pulls away and before I can say anything she presses her lips to mine. It wasn't like any before. It wasn't hectic or needy, it was filled with actual emotion. When she pulls away a light pink tints her cheeks and she stands up and away from me.

"I came to tell you it was time for dinner."


I jolted awake to the sound of Sarah calling my name. After dinner we all went our separate ways, but it startled me when I saw her figure leaning in the doorway.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" She shakes her head. She fully enters the room with her head down and hair fanning over her face.

"I had a nightmare." My face softens when our eyes lock and I see the look of horror on her face.


"My family dying." I had those before, those were the worse. I scoot over in the tiny bed and pat my hand against the matress.

"C'mere." She doesn't resist as she pulls the covers back and climbs under them with me. Her back is turned to me and I frown.

"I know you're trying not to cry." Silence is all that answers my question. I wrap my arms around her from behind and hold her against my chest. She gasps but doesn't move. She melts into my touch, her eyes finally closing.

"I won't let ya go."

Guardian Angel (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now