Chapter 30

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I sat on the floor of the watch tower, my eyes scanning over the vast field. My hands rested in my lap. The gun I always carried sat on the ground next to me, ready to be used at any moment.

Boots could be heard coming up the ladder. Leaning forward slightly, I peered over. Daryl glanced at me, giving me a small nod as he entered.

"I told you I would be fine out here." I claimed, teasing him slightly. He grunted, plopping down next to me. His crossbow was placed next to him.

"Just wanted to be out here with 'ye." His voice hinted some emotion, but I couldn't decipher any. There were bags under his eyes, hinting at his weariness.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked quietly, leaning toward him. His blue eyes lock with mine, shrugging.

"I guess."

"Daryl, why aren't you sleeping?" I blurted out. Embarrassment coursed through me, but I didn't let it show. He sighed, hands running over his face.

"I've been having these nightmares," Daryl admits, taking in a deep breath,"They're always about.." He trails off, eyes meeting mine.

"About what?" I whisper, my stomach turning as I already knew the answer, yet I needed to know I was right.

"About losing you, Sarah." Daryl snaps, his eyes boring into mine. They're clouded with emotion, sadness and pain rolled into a ball. My heart shatters, my hand reaching our to grasp his face. My fingers run over his cheek attempting to calm him down. His large hand covers mine, yearning for the comfort.

"What happens?"


"If you don't talk about it, it won't get better." I whisper, moving myself so I'm next to him. His arm wraps around me, pulling me closer to his body.

"Walkers get you, tear you apart in front of me," My breathing hitches,"Someone hurts you and I can't fucking do anything to help you, they take you away from me!" His voice raises, anger coursing through him.


"You don't get it!" He almost shouts,"It tears me apart to see you being hurt. Then, I wake up and you're there but it doesn't go away. The fear never dies-"

Not wanting to hearing anymore, I fling myself into his chest, burying my face into the crook of his neck. He lets out a strangled noise, his arms pulling me against him. I breathe in his scent, the smell of the woods and outdoors filling my senses.

"Oh, god Daryl." I mumble, my mind racing. It killed me to know he was suffering, that he was in pain and I was the cause. My arms tighten around him, needing to feel him.

"I need you, to stay with me." Daryl whispers, the words only being audible to me.

"I will, I promise you I will." I mumble, my heart racing faster with the promise I realized I was making. I had to stay alive and try to fight hard enough for him.

I would do it at any cost.

My lips attached to his neck, lightly kissing down his neck. His hands tightened on my back, large hands gripping my sides.

"Sarah.." He murmurs, his voice light. I pull away, smiling at him slightly.

"You have my word, I'll do everything to stay with you." A small grin makes its way on his face shocking me slightly.



I followed Daryl down the cell block to his cell. Both of were trying to be quiet because everyone seemed to be sleeping. I was exhausted, my muscles sore from the run with Rick. My eyes were drooping, barely allowing me to keep up with him.

"I know you're tired, but we are almost there." I giggle at his remark, my hand swatting his arm. A smirk creeps onto his face.

"Okay." Finally, we make it to his cell. I sit across from him, removing my shoes and pulling out the ponytail holder holding my hair up.

He laid down, patting the bed, gesturing me to lay next to him. I like our bodies up, placing my head on his chest. My legs tangle with his, my small hand locking with his.

"Wake me up if you need me." I claim, my eyes closing as I fall into a deep sleep.

Daryl's POV

I moved away from her, gently stepping out and grabbing my crossbow. The sun streamed through the numerous windows in the prison. I walked out, searching for Rick.

"Hey, Rick!" I called out when I walked outside, spotting him bending down in the garden.

"Daryl," He says, standing up and rubbing his hands on his jeans,"What's up?"

"Do you need anything?" I asked, trying to get my mind off of the nightmare from last night. The only thing that eased my mind was waking up and knowing she was alive, feeling her heartbeat and steady breathing.

"I-" He trailed off, looking into the field and putting his hand on his holster.

"What?" I followed where his eyes were looking, seeing two males standing there.

They had weapons and they were walking up to the fence.



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Love all of you :)x


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