Chapter 1

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The leaves crunched under my feet as I ran through the dense woods of Georgia, the repetitive sound echoing loudly through the quiet forest. My car had broken down and I was surrounded by walkers from every way, but I managed to fight some of them off and make it into the safety and the calming woods.

I stopped in my tracks when a man walked in front of me, skin rotting and a low growl emitting from his throat. I pulled my knife out from my boot, approaching him and stabbing it through his skull. Once I pulled out, he fell to the ground with a thud. I wiped the blood remaining on my knife on his shirt before shoving it back into my boot.

I hoisted my gun over my shoulder to adjust it before I set off once again. I focused on finding somewhere to stay for the night, maybe even sleep in a tree if I had to. I didn't want to be found, I had heard the stories of what happened to girls who were found in an apocalypse by older men. I cringed slightly, trying to focus on the task at hand.

A scream cut through the air. I shot to the left, following the voice. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, another scream echoing through the blue sky. I knew this very well could be a trap, but it sounded like a kid. I ran through a clearing in the woods, only to see a prison. Many zombies surrounded it, but what stood out was a teenage boy being surrounded by walkers and it sounded like a lot of people calling his name.

They spotted me obviously because I heard a loud 'please help my son.' I didn't think twice as I removed my gun from my shoulder and began to shoot. The noise drew attention away from the boy, giving him a moment to run towards the gate. I couldn't run now, I was being enclosed. I pulled out my knife, also using it with my gun.

I took them down with ease, a few staggering. I shoved one to the ground, stepping on its head with my boot before swinging my arm in one swift motion to stab a walker approaching to my left. Finally, it was quiet around me and I realized I had yet again cleared a whole herd. I shielded my eyes slightly with my hands as I looked to see an older man with a bushy beard and curly hair begin to make his was out of the gates of the prison and approach me.

I felt fear boil inside of my body. After the death of my whole family, I hadn't had any human contact. I glanced to my left, noticing the clearing where I came from. I turned around, running back into the woods with my gun slapping against my back.

"Wait!" I didn't stop. I ran until my legs burned and I could barely breathe. I ran until I knew I was far away from that prison and they wouldn't find me or see me again. I wandered around until I found a tree, and I began to climb. I settled on a branch, using my belt to tie myself to the tree.

It was dark as I examined the sky full of stars. I remember doing this with my brother, before the world went to complete and utter shit after the fever. I refused to cry, closing my eyes and falling asleep.


I climbed down, reattaching my belt to myself. I hoisted my gun over my shoulder, my fingers brushing through the unruly mess of hair in my face. I tie it into a ponytail before I set off looking for an animal to kill and eat.

As I walked, an arrow whizzed past my head, nearly hitting me and slamming into a tree. I grab my gun, stepping out from behind the tree and pointing at the man. His hair is longer, a scruffy go-t on adorning his face. He holds a crossbow with ease, a slight smirk on his face.

I would be lying if I said that he wasn't attractive. His blue eyes locked with mine, a smirk on his face.

"You gonna shoot me?" I scoff, lowering my fun and scowling at him.

"You nearly killed me, asshole." I mutter, crossing my arms over my chest. It only amuses him more.

"Sorry, sweetie. I saw an animal and you scared it away," His eyes narrow on me, a look of realization crossing his face,"you're the girl that saved Carl. Rick wanted us to find you, he said you could be 'useful.' His fingers quote the word, useful.

"I don't know who Rick is. Please, mystery man, enlighten me." Now it's his turn to growl, I watch as he effortlessly pulls the crossbow over his tan, muscular shoulder.

"Come with me."

"I don't know you. Why should I?" I provoke. I hold my gun closer to me, ready to fight him at any second.

"This is any stranger danger shit, come on." He hisses, clenched fists by his sides. Despite what my mind says, I follow him as he walks towards the opposite direction. This is what my family would want me to do. He turns around to see if I'm following before turning around with a grunt.



I know this is a One Direction & 5SOS account, but I love Daryl Dixon more than myself haha. So , I decided to write a fanfic about my favorite character from my favorite show :)

Enjoy. There will be another chapter tonight :)

-Emily ❤️

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