Chapter 14

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"I said fuck it

I don't need you

I'm doing just fine."

Daryl held my hand as he gestured me to go into my cell. I sat down on the bed and watched him disappear in the search of medical supplies. I knew it didn't need stitches thankfully but it was scar. A few minutes later Daryl returned with a first aid kit. I smiled at him as he sat down next to me and began rummaging through the kit.

"I need you to take your flannel off." My heart pounded in my chest as I slowly undid the buttons of my shirt. Once I managed to tug it off, all that was covering me was a thin tank top and my bra.

Daryl pulled out the rubbing alcohol and frowned at my reaction,"You've had it exposed for awhile we need to put some of this on to prevent infection." He pours some of it on a cotton ball before pressing it gently to my arm. The wound feels as if it's bubbling, or maybe it's on fire. A hiss escapes my mouth as I cover my face with one of my hands.

"You're alright." He whispers as he pulls away. Then he grabs the gauze from the kit as well. Slowly he wraps it up as if he doesn't want to hurt me more than he already did. He uses some medical tape to secure the gauze in place. I thank him quietly.

"Why'd you follow Carl?" He asks as I turn to face him. I haul my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them.

"I don't know, something told me to go after him so I did." I shrug.

"You could've gotten killed." Daryl points out as he raises his eyebrows at me. I knew going after Carl would have some repercussions, I also knew that it would be from Daryl.

"He would've too, and I wasn't planning on letting it happen." I counter as I stand up to grab my water. I untwist the lid and let the liquid slide down my throat. Daryl is up within a moments notice, grabbing the kit and exiting my cell.

"Wait!" I call out. He turns around with a grunt and continues walking. I peek my head out of the cell and watch as he disappears down the hallway and outside. He was going to take watch. However, I was in no mood to chase him around. I was exhausted. My muscles ached and my head still throbbed. I sat down and started to unite my boot laces. I carelessly through them to the side and climbed under the thin cover of my blanket.

I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep without Daryl beside me.


"Sarah." Someone shakes my shoulder andI shift over towards the wall with a groan. Their hand still remains on my shoulder and I wish they would leave me alone.

"It's mid-afternoon, sweetie. You need to get up." I snap up in bed to see Maggie sympathetically smiling down at me.

"Sorry while Carl and I were out there I doubt either of us slept." My voice echoes through the tiny room as I grab my boots from the side.

"He's asleep, too. Rick sent me to wake you up because he needs to talk to you guys." I swallow down anxiously and glance up at her.


"I don't know, he just needs you two." She informs me. I tell her I'll get Carl up so after I finally get ready I head over to his cell. The curtain is strewn shut and I yank it open, light illuminating the room.

"Carl, get up. We need to go talk to your dad." He sits up slowly, his hands lightly rubbing over his eyes.

"Why?" He inquires as he stands up and places his hat over his head.

"I don't know." We walk outside together and I search for Rick. Beth runs up to with Judith and hands her to me.

"Can you watch her for a few minutes? I need to help my daddy with something." I nod and she scurries off inside. I finally spot Rick and we both begin to walk over to him.

"There you two are." He claims as he sets down the gardening tools for the vegetables,"I've been itching to talk to you." I bounce Judith slightly on my hip in an attempt to keep her quiet.

"Carl why did you run?" My mouth opens and closes. I can't defend him this time.

"I needed to get away, Dad." Rick shakes his head and crouches down to his height.

"You could've gotten yourself and Sarah killed. You shouldn't have done that." Carl nods with head down. I already chewed him off for this one.

"I know. It was stupid." Rick stands to his full height before turning to me and his daughter in my arms.

"Again, I just wanted to thank you," Rick gets closer so Carl can't hear,"he would've died if you didn't go after him."

"It wasn't a big deal. We're both fine now." I smile lightly to Carl who returns my gesture.

"Alright you two, go on." I turn around and away Judith back and forth in my arms causing her to giggle. I smile and walk around with her in my arms. Someone's shoulder slams into my own as they brush past me.

"What the hell?" I hiss as Daryl walks past me. He stops and swiftly spins to face me.

"I didn't see you there." I find myself laughing at his response.

"Cut the bullshit, Dixon. I'm not playing your games." He scoffs before crossing his arms and sending me a glare that reminded me of the look he gave me when we first met.

"My games? What the hell is your problem?" He turns the whole thing around and pins it on me. I run my hand through my hair before repositioning Judith on my hip.

"I'm not doing anything, Daryl. You're the one who stormed off and left me alone last night. Now you're being an asshole. What's new?" Daryl's face reddens with anger and he steps closer to me. I don't move because I don't want him to win this one.

"You better watch your mouth, sunshine." His accent is thick and his voice doesn't waver a beat.

"Fuck it. You know what?" I actually find myself laughing as I hold Judith against me,"You obviously don't need me, and I don't need you. You got what you wanted." His features softened slightly as we both process the words that left my mouth. Neither of say anything, we just stare at each other.

"Well.. I'll see you around." I hoarsely whisper as I move past him and carry Judith with me over to where Beth is. When I turn around Daryl stands in the same spot with his hands running through his hair. As much as I want to run back to him and envelope him in my arms, I know I can't.

He doesn't need me anymore. I was just an object to him, nothing more. Someone he could kiss, someone he could use to take up all the feelings locked away inside of him. That's all I was. An object. He used me for his own good.

But, I really did have feelings for him and I couldn't deny it.

Even when he got angry and screamed at me, or even when we both practically hated each other. I still managed to develop feelings for that man. I was different than the others in the group with how he treated me.

I was just so confused.

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