Very interesting

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After the red head took Issei away I went home. The next day I was at the school for my first official day in class. When I reached my class room the teacher told me to come in and introduce myself so I walked into the classroom in front of the class. I tip my hat and introduced myself.

Alex: "names Alexander Flint its good to be here I hope we all get along."

There was chatter about me and girls saying that I was the guy who has the cool motorcycle and stood up to the perverts. And the guys saying "oh great another school prince" and "oh great another kiba... even has blonde hair."

Teacher: "you can sit behind Issei."

Alex: "damn."

Time skip

I was walking up the stairs after class and the three perverts where there talking about porn but I wasn't interested in what they where doing because I was following the red head. She went to the old school building so I followed behind them quietly. I found her base the door said occult research club room. "Very clever hiding in plane sight." Then i Hurd them talking about rescuing Issei again because he went back to the park and another fallen angel was attacking him. Then there was a bright red light I seen through the cracks in the door. Knowing that they where gone I entered. There was two couches facing each other and a table between them. And a desk on the other side of the room. I walked over to her desk and I read the list of members of the club.

Alex: "so a guy named kiba, girl named Akeno as the Vice President another girl named koneko. And Rias gremory as the president. Gremory huh"

I then grab a king chess piece and lean a ace of spades on it. I tape a little microphone under the table and I then leave the club room.

The next day I heard Rias talking to Sona. I was almost right next to them but I had earphones in my ears but not playing anything while I had a book out as to not raise suspicion.

Sona: "I've never seen you bring in another piece so impulsively."

Rias: "It feels as though I've adopted a little brother. Also I found this on my desk."

She then handed the ace of spades to sona.

Sona: "you know what that means right?"

Rias: "it means the Ace of spades is in kouh... and knows I'm a devil and who are in my peerage."

Sona: "we should call your brother rias."

Rias: "fallen angels now the Ace of spades."

Sona: "be careful Rias the ace of spades doesn't leave witnesses."

I then walk past them and I put a card in sona's pocket with a note.

"You know who I am and I know what you are. I'll be watching."

The next few days went by rather uneventfully but I always have 2 Colt 1911s in shoulder holsters under my blazer in my school uniform. I always have my hat on though and my boots. But the bug in the occult research clubroom picked up that issei befriended a nun from the church and the fallen angels took her and they had to go rescue her and rias told him no but she hinted that the church was hostile territory and he could promote himself And she left with Akeno. Issei said he was going anyway and kiba and koneko said they where going too. I then shrug and grab my guns as I was in my apartment listening in and I head right to the church. I got on my motorcycle and was there in 5 minutes. I parked the bike and grabbed my model 1887 Winchester shotgun and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited and this guy answered the door in a priest jacket. I quickly knocked him out with the shotgun and entered. It's likely that he would think I was a devil or something when the others catch up so I head inside and find... nothing it's just a church. So I tie up the priest and cover my face with a bandanna and I continue looking around maybe there's a secret passage way. Probably a sex dungeon so the priests could have there ways with little... alter... boys or something I don't know. I then find it under the alter when I moved it I went down the stairs and right after I did the door was kicked open.

Alex(mind): "the devils must have arrived"

I then continue down the steps to a door. I opened it and there was a lot of people between me and raynare who was up some stares with a blond girl who I assume was the nun that issei came to rescue. I then made my presence known.

Alex: "so this is your big plan huh!"

Everyone just stopped what they where doing and raynare spoke up.

Raynare: "and who are you supposed to be? A doc Holliday rip off?"

Alex: "billy the kid actually but I understand the mistake. He is my ancestor after all."

Raynare: "I thought all of that bloodline was wiped out years ago."

Alex: "they where."

I then started shooting the 1887 shotgun into the crowd of priests and start to work my way up. The door then opened again and issei kiba and koneko entered. They where shocked for a moment but issei flew over with his wings while I faught beside kiba. I ran out of ammo in the 1887 and threw it at a priest and pulled my 1911s and continued fighting. Until raynare flew over and out the door and I followed. I really didn't care what happened with the devils I only had eyes on my vengeance. I ran up the steps and issei already had the nun on the bench in the church. And raynare was too busy taunting him to notice me so I shot her a few times with demonic bullets in the back. She then fell to her knees and tried to flee so I shot her wings preventing her flying away... but she healed herself. She stole the nuns sacred gear that explains everything.

Raynare: "who do you think you are attacking me? I will end you!!"

She was about to attack me but issei punched her with his gauntlet. Rias then stopped me with a hand on my shoulder and told me to wait. Issei then continued hitting her over and over again. She got the upper hand however and threw two light spears into his legs. And then I shot her a few more times. And issei continued to get up and fight. He is oddly strong. He then gave her a huge punch and she was sent out the window. Kiba then caught issei when he collapsed.

They where talking to each other I wasn't paying any attention until koneko dragged raynare in.

Koneko: "did someone order this?"

Rias: "you must be Raynare. Lovely entrance. I am Rias gremory also known as the next head of house of gremory."

Raynare: "gremory! You've gotta be kidding!"

Rias: "it's wonderful to meet you. What a shame we don't have much time to chat. But sadly it's time for you to join your friends I disposed of earlier."

She then dropped some black fallen angel feathers.

Alex: "hold it!"

Rias: "Alexander flint right? The new student from America right?"

Alex: "you have no right to kill her Rias gremory. Her death will come from my hands. I will not be denied my vengeance!!!"

Raynare: "vengeance? I don't even know who you are."

Alex: "years ago when I was a boy my entire family was killed by fallen angels. I remember seeing you through the floorboards killing my mother and you laughing. I was the only surviving descendant of William bonnet and I made it my mission to kill any supernatural beings who dare kill the innocent."

Raynare: "are you kidding me your the last living descendant of billy the kid!"

Rias: "we need the sacred gear back from her first. Then you can have your vengeance."

Alex: "deal."

Raynare then started begging Issei as Yuma and I walked up to Raynare.

Alex: "leave his emotions alone. It won't help you now."

I then pull my revolver and shoot her in the head Killing her I then grabbed the rings from her corpse and pass them to Rias.

Alex: "here."

She takes them to Asia and issei and I left a ace of spades on Raynares body before leaving.

When Rias went to talk to me again I was gone and she found the card.

Rias: "the Ace of spades..."

Guns and glory (A Highschool DXD fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now