Secrets out

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After a long school day of rias watching me like a kid who spotted the cookie jar at grandmas, I decided that I would go to the occult research clubroom to talk to her and explain things. So on my walk over I was thinking about if my revenge was worth my identity to the devils. I always made sure to leave no witnesses so my identity would be just a mystery. Maybe I should have just shot them all in the church? No probably a bad idea with her being the next head of the gremory household and the sister of one of the 4 devil kings... damn...

When I got there I just entered and nobody was there so except that the nun was in the shower I thought it would be funny to hide behind the door and scare everyone. Until I noticed the clothes hanging to dry and issei holding the nuns bra. I then watched koneko walk past me and hit him in the back of the head with a... lobster? Where did she get that?...

Koneko: "did you see anything you like you big pervert?"

Alex: "please tell me your not going to put it on..."

Issei: "it's not what it looks like."

Nun: "hey is that my bra?"

Koneko: "I think he's going to put it on and ware it around."

Alex/nun: "please don't..."

Issei rushes to hang it back on the line.

Issei: "it's not what it looks like it just so happened to get caught on my face!"

Alex: "can I shoot him?"

Nun: "I'm so sorry I know that I'm only a visitor here and I really hate being in the way."

Issei: "no no it's fine. In fact having you around definitely has its perks."

A gunshot could be heard and a hole can be seen in the wall behind Issei right between his legs.

Alex: "keep it up and the next one goes 2 inches higher."

Koneko: "should have done it sooner."

Alex: "is Rias going to be here soon?"

Koneko: "she should be here soon."

I lean on the wall by Rias's desk and wait for her. When she does show up she sees me.

Rias: "how is your day today Alex?"

Alex: "(sigh) I know that you know who I am so let's not play around."

Rias: "right to the point. But I wouldn't expect anything less from the legendary Ace of spades. So what happens now?"

Alex: "well I thought about killing you at the church but I decided because I'm trying to live a normal high school life and killing you would screw that up with who your brother is and your family is."

Rias: "so you're not going to kill me?"

Alex: "as long as my secret stays here."

Rias: "why not join my peerage? I could use another knight with that impressive speed you have with your guns."

Alex: "you're really on thin ice here gremory. Don't insult me by offering eternal servitude."

Issei: "HEY you can't talk to the prez that way!!"

Alex: "you I have no problem shooting so you should really shut the hell up."

Rias: "issei you really should do what he says."

Issei: "why? He isn't anything special why are you so afraid of him?"

Rias: "in our world there are some humans who kill beings like us. The most feared is the Ace of spades. Nobody has ever seen his face because he would never leave witnesses. The only thing we knew was his calling card that he would leave on his dead targets. A playing card ace of spades. He is kinda the monster we check under our beds for before going to sleep."

Alex: "and I'm trying to live a normal high school life now."

Rias: "all devils fear the ace of spades."

Alex: "anyway I'm going to leave now."

I walk towards the door and stop.

Alex: "remember Gremory... not a word. Don't make me regret letting you live at the church."

I then leave as I'm leaving the old building I passed kiba.

Alex: "not a word about who I am. Even your not fast enough to stop me from cleaning up a loose end."

Kiba: "understood."

I then continue walking to the parking lot got on my back and drive past a ice cream truck that made me want to stop at the store for some ice cream and then I went home."

Time skip

I'm at my apartment sitting on my couch reading a book. When the doorbell rings.

Alex: "who could that be? Even the Camelot organization doesn't know I'm here..."

I walk to the door with my model 1887 Winchester shotgun and place it against the door while I look through the eye hole.

Alex: "GOD DAMNIT!!!!"

I open the door and Rias was there.

Alex: "how the hell do you know where I live?"

Rias: "can you help me train Issei?"

Alex: "what part of normal high school life didn't you get?"

Rias: "he can't complete a contract to save his life and he needs improvement in everything really."

Alex: "how is that my problem? Are you trying to get out of something?"

Rias: "what do you think about marriage?"

Alex: "I'm flattered Rias but I'm really not interested."

Rias: "that's not what I'm asking. What is your take on it?"

Alex: "I suppose if you love someone it would be nice. But I personally don't like arranged marriages it feels like you're being sold of as a toy."

Rias: "that's my issue."

Alex: "I'm probably going to regret this... what's wrong Rias?"

Rias: "I'm being forced to marry a high ranking devil who I really don't even like and he won't take no for a answer."

Alex: "(sigh) what's his name?"

Rias: "riser Phoenix."

My eyes go wide and I then go to sit down.

Alex: "how can I help?"

Rias: "you're actually going to help me?"

Alex: "I need to make a call."

Rias: "who are you calling?"

Alex: "an old friend."

I pick up the phone and go to the contact that says "joker" it rings a few times then he picks up.

Joker: "hey Ace how's retirement?"

Alex: "really not going as planned."

Joker: "you never just call if it's not important. What's going on?"

Alex: "I have a lead on the fried chicken your after."

Joker: "I'll be there in a few days."

Alex: "see you soon old friend."

I hang up and look at Rias.

Alex: "so tell me Rias... would you like to make a pact?"

Guns and glory (A Highschool DXD fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now