Blinding raindows

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Alan and I walked into the room to see Star wrapped up talking with the elite 4 and the president.

Alex: "well that was a interesting conversation."

Star: "not really, it's about the same as I've ever had with her."

Alan: "cool, yeah check this out, I was doing some research into the life fibers from dad's research and check this out. Apparently there from outer space, there essentially an alien species that survives off of their hosts."

Alex: "so it's a parasite."

Alan explains everything about the life fibers. (Read Ian_Star205 's book swords and magic for more details. We then found ourselves at the school. Everyone was in fancy uniforms because satsuki's mother was here. From what I've seen in the files I stole from satsuki's desk we're going to end up fighting her. I was looking around at the area and her speech didn't hold my attention but she pressed a button and all the students and families who had the fancy new suits where suddenly consumed ina cocoon and I shot at the bitch with despair. It wasn't enough magic in that shot.

Alex: "not enough magic..."

Matoi then landed next to them and started spouting stuff like "your little party's over satsuki kiryuin!" Doesn't she realize that she is on our side?...

Star: "step off gear-head, I'll handle this."

Oh good twinkle twinkle little star is going to handle this haha.

Ragyo: "well well you must be ryuko matoi, along side Y/N Star, Alan Mankoi, skylar young and Alexander Flint."

Matoi: "bite me..."

Ragyo: "indeed. And I take it that is kamui senketsu- the end product of isshin matoi's futile efforts. It's quite lovely.

Alan: so you're ragyo kiryuin? The bitch who tortured my father and killed my mother."

Ragyo: "ah yes Irene was a lovely woman, but she took what I wanted."

Alan: "that gives you no right to murder her!"

Oh damn... Alan and I are the same in this regard. I'm glad I didn't kill her now because Alan should do it.

Everything was a blur from that moment. I know the bitch was talking but I didn't care I wanted to see what Alan was going to do so I can back him up. Then satsuki attacked her mother and impaled her on a post. Then Alan took his shot and jumped up and landed on the platform I seen her hand was gone. He was holding a gun in one hand and a naginata in the other. Gamagoori was with him. I then look at skyler young.

Alex: "well shit hit the fan... how about we help clean up this mess?"

Skyler: "with pleasure mr flint."

I then glide down while she jumps down from seat to seat. We land by Y/N Star as he already has a blade drawn. The pink loli then jumped down when kendo guy attacked her and skyler joined him in the fight. I just stayed next to Star to back him up if he needed it. Then these red threads started to try and attack us so I did the only thing I could do. I pull out ascalon and started using my limited swordsmanship skills to cut the thread as it approached. I found Alan and we started fending off them back to back.

Alex: "why can't we have simple fights? It's always weird shit."

Alan: "just be happy it's not worse."

Alex: "don't say that!!! You never say that!!!"

Star boy then found us again and joined us.

Star: "since when did you have ascalon?"

Alex: "Michael gave me it. Why who has it in this world?"

Star: "issei was given it."

Alex: "sigh... is he still as much of a perv in this world?"

Everyone: "yes!"

Alan: "Flint, Star, follow my lead! Thread burner, Flame Twirl dance!"

He then did this... whatever that was and Star did the same. I somehow did it too but I don't know how I just mimicked what they did.

Star: "let satsuki and matoi do there fights we need to insure there is no interference."

Alan: "fuck that!"

He then blasts himself into the air and fires into ragyo reloading and blocking an attack from some guy. Alan is pretty good blocking with his sword and shooting at the same time. I'm impressed. I then see Star approaching ragyo when he started glowing blue and surrounded himself with swords before they exploded and two boys flew out. Skyler grabbed one who I assume was Y/N because he still had his suit on while I caught this other guy who was dressed very differently but looks very much the same. He started struggling in my grip.

Alan: "get them out of here!"

We drag them out of the arena before it explodes and the guy I'm holding opens his golden eyes.

???: "Fuck..."

Alex: "it's ok. I got ya, Alan! Is Star boy ok?"

Alan: "yeah he's fine he's out cold but otherwise ok."

Alex: "great. This ones awake though."

Alan then walked over and was surprised.

Alan: "let's get them to safety. We can't stay here."

Alex: "can you stand?"

???: "yeah I think so... what the hell happened?"

I pick him up and put his arm over my shoulder and we start walking.

Alex: "what's the last thing you remember?"

???: "loads of shit but don't worry about me is he ok?"

Alex: "what's your name?"

Ian: "Ian... my name is Ian Star. Now tell me is Y/N ok?

Alex: "oh shit your the guy Star boy told me about."

Ian: "Star boy? Oh very original... yes I'm the original sword master. At least before everything was reset..."

Alex: "Alan!"

Alan rushed over.

Alan: "what's up?"

Alex: "your better suited to answer his questions. His name is Ian Star."

I help get Ian's arm over Alan's shoulder and I go up to talk with skyler.

Alex: "the kid I was carrying said his name was Ian Star. Figured you might know what's going on."

Skyler: "Ian Star is Y/N from another world. Or rather timeline from what Y/N says."

Alex: "so there's 2 Y/N's?"

Skyler: "yes there essentially the same person."

Alex: "that's going to get confusing. I'm going to call this one Daniel as I believe Y/N being split like this he would go by another name."

Skyler: "hopefully he wakes up soon."

Alan: "Shit!!!"

I go back to Alan and Ian and Ian was passed out and Alan was on the ground because of the sudden dead waight.

Alex: "what happened?"

Alan: "I guess Ian decided NOW would be a good time for a nap..."

Alex: "we have a ways to go I'll carry him for now."

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