Natural elections

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I spent the next few days observing this Star guy. From what I can see he has a sacred gear as well. Kinda reminds me of kiba and his sword birth. The maid with him is no push over ether. I observed Matoi as well and she is interesting to say the least. Especially that sailor suits "battle mode" that's something that would kill issei from blood loss if he seen it. I discussed my findings with satsuki.

Satsuki: "so Y/N Star is the leader of his little group."

Alex: "yeah. And he is the one doing most of the fighting in there fight club. I bet if he would leave that club matoi would be alone with that mako girl. I bet if you promote mako she would probably turn on matoi to keep her standing."

Satsuki: "and then matoi would be all alone. She would be forced to fight her only real friend."

Alex: "but that all depends on Star leaving the club."

Satsuki: "I will personally request him to leave the club. Have you looked into that blue haired kid?"

Alex: "yes I have. I understand your interest in him. The ability to rewind time is definitely useful."

I hand her pictures I took of him.

Alex: "I bet if you looked through security footage you could probably find video of his abilities."

Satsuki: "your proving yourself very useful mr Flint. Are you sure you don't want a goku uniform? I can give you a 2 star one if you start a club."

Alex: "nah I don't need a handicap. I would take one of those houses though. The shack in the slums is nice and all but I'd prefer a bed rather then a hammock. Walls that hold back the wind... a roof..."

Satsuki: "start a club and you can have a 2 star ranking house."

I started a "gun club" and spent a lot of time just shooting targets. A few students challenge me to duels but it didn't go anywhere. I moved into the new house and over the next few days I noticed as mako was slowly being turned against matoi. I'd see Y/N from time to time I think he's looking for the blue hair kid. Better keep an eye on him he might not be up to anything good. Then came the day of natural elections. I was standing with the other students listening to satsuki speak.

Satsuki: "today we embark on the complete overhaul of the student council! If you participate you will have free reign to attack your peers. There are no restrictions on weapons or tactics."

I didn't have hope and despair summoned so I was using my colt 1911's in my shoulder holster under my jacket. I pulled them out and checked them over.

Satsuki: "those who survive will meet here in seven days! These survivors will then fight to claim their social standing! A fight for change! An election in the form of a battle royal!"

Alex: "battle royal... natural elections... national selection... ha I get it."

Satsuki: "unlike traditional elections you will not choose someone to represent you! You will represent yourselves!"

I then rack my guns and form a exit plan. I could fly out but I don't want to use my angelic power to win. I'll have to fight my way to the main entrance.

Satsuki: "your status! Your strength! Your way of life! In seven days at 8:30 AM the survivors who have assembled here will have a sudden death runoff! And if you emerge victorious I will personally grant you a brand new goku uniform! Now students of honnouji academy. FIGHT!!!"

I started shooting as I made my way towards the main exit. I pistol wiped one student while rolling over another shooting more as I went. Then I seen them. Star boy and his friends. His one friend was really good with guns. So I shot at them.

Alex: "I didn't think I'd find another gunslinger anytime soon."

Gotta maintain my cover. I know all about there skills. And I know there names.

Alan: "well I was honing my skills while in kouh."

Well I wasn't expecting that... shit there from kouh? Do they work with Rias?

Alex: "kouh huh? You friends with Rias?"

Suddenly there's a sword at my neck. I look over and see Star boy with a very serious expression on his face. I summon hope and despair and point them at Alan and Star boy. Alan raised his gun to me. I was about to pull the triggers but the maid threw scalpels into my hammers so my guns wouldn't fire. Clever girl... Star boy knocked hope from my hand while I dodged Alan as he was about to fire at me. I kicked him in the gut and grabbing hope before shooting at Y/N who deflected my shots with his sword... how good is this guy? I don't think I can win this fight.

Alex: "woah woah woah! I simply asked a question you raised your weapons first."

Star: "when did you meet Rias?"

Alex: "look I have the gun here I'll ask the questions."

Star: "yeah? Well your face to face with the sword master. Your guns do t mean shit against me."

Alex: "Really? Even though there pointed directly at you. The heavenly and demonic revolvers hope and despair. If you think you can stand up to them give it a shot."

Star: "Answer the question. When did you meet Rias?"

In this reality he must be the guy who replaced me. Is he dating her? Maybe if I tell him my situation he can help.

Alex: "what are you dating her in this reality or something?"

Star: "this reality?"

Alex: "yeah this reality."

Alan: "what are you a dimensional hopper or something?"

There we go! On the right track!

Alex: "yeah. actually I'm trying to get back to mine. This is the third reality I've ended up in. Usually I'm only in these realities for a few days. But it seems like somethings up here."

Alan: "yeah something we're dealing with."

I should ask his name to not arouse suspicion.

Alex: "and you are?"

Alan: "Alan Mankoi. Son of the acclaimed dr mankoi."

Alex: "can't say I'm familiar."

Star: "so why are you here?"

Good question.

Alex: "not sure. I just appeared here the other day."

Star: "well stay out of our way and things will be fine."

Alex: "fine by me."

I then made a run for the exit. When I reached it and got outside the school I decided I'd go to my new house. A few students tried to break in but I shot them. They eventually gave up and I went to bed. I set up a few traps for Intruders in case they decided to try and take me out in my sleep. Maybe I'll see if this Star kid can help me get home.

Guns and glory (A Highschool DXD fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now