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I went to climb out the window when megumin woke up.

Megumin: "Alex?"

Alex: "sorry to wake you. Your mom locked me in here. She set me up..."

Megumin: "it's ok just come sleep in here with me."

Alex: "you sure?"

Megumin: "you're going to get sick if you don't."

I got under the covers and just slept. The next morning I got up and went exploring. I found a library full of magic books and stories of grand adventures. I bought a few books and went back to find the others. Megumin was showing the others around. Darkness wasn't with them however after going to the only clothing shop the clothing shop owner was dressed just like Elvis Presley.

Alex: "so that's where Elvis went when he faked his death..."

After megumin bought herself new clothing we visited her old school kazuma was a creep again and we left.
the alert sounded saying the devil kings army was attacking and we hurried over to find darkness "fighting" and the general was thinking she was this great warrior who just doesn't give up but we knew better. Kazuma was showing off and told her that he was this other guy as the coward he is. I just walked up and pulled out "hope" and shot her. (Bit anticlimactic I know) the army ran away and we went back to megumin's family home. I gave megumin the spare key to my lockbox at the mansion in case something happened to me I wanted to make sure she would be ok as she's the only one in the party I can tolerate. We spent another night at there home before we would leave. I told megumin that if she added more magic skills like air and fire magic she could add both to her explosion spells and make them much much bigger and more powerful. Pulled all my books out to show her what I mean and she asked about the other book. I told her she could have the spell books and I was about to start reading this book about 4 hero's.

Megumin: "what's that one about?"

Alex: "no clue. Title sounds cool."

Megumin: "what's it called?"

Alex: "the four cardinal weapons."

I then opened it up and started reading it. The book started glowing a golden bright light and it was blinding.

Megumin: "Alex! What's going on?! Your disappearing!!"

Alex: "I DONT KNOW!!!"

Then I couldn't hear anything.

Next thing I knew I was standing in a room with a bunch of women in cloaks and masks on.

Alex: "all right want the hell is going on?! Where the hell am I?!!"

Mask woman 1: "our apologies great hero. The queen asked us to summon you here because the four cardinal hero's are fighting themselves rather then the waves of catastrophe together."

Alex: "so you summoned me because I can actually do something. Great... so where's the queen? I assume that I'll need to speak with her?"

Mask woman 1: "the queen is in another kingdom at present. She requested that you find the shield hero and help him."

Alex: "where is the shield hero?"

Mask woman 1: "he is traveling the kingdom on his way to the border to another country. Here's a map of the continent. He is going here."

She pointed on the map to a kingdom to the west.

Alex: "ok I'll go immediately. Will I be getting funds and transportation?"

Mask woman 1: "you will have a horse and 800 gold coins."

Alex: "thank you. I'll depart immediately. And I'll ask the queen how I'm getting home when I meet her."

I then started walking with my cloak billowing in the wind. They handed me a bag of coins and brought me a black horse.

Alex: "what's her name?"

Mask woman 1: "her name is 'midnight' and she is a very loyal horse."

I then mount the horse.

Alex: "I'm still pissed I was summoned without my consent but I'll play ball for now. Don't cross me."

I then rode away. I was trotting along the road for awhile killing monsters with my guns right from my horse and leveling up as I went. I found a little village called loot on my way and they told me the shield hero is a friend of the village and passed through recently. I continued on my journey and I haven't found them by nightfall so I set up camp and looked for campfire before lightning my own.

Alex: "stuck in another world... hopefully I'll get home soon."

I then leaned against the tree and went to sleep. The next morning I continued my trek down the road and a carriage with Guards started passing me on the path.

Guard 1: "make way for the princess!"

They pass me and I seen the princess. She seemed young.

Princess: "we must catch up with the shield hero!"

Alex: "shield hero!"

I then followed the princess until we caught up with the shield hero. The princess got out and I noticed something odd. The guards lined up in front of the horses while she was talking with the shield hero she had her back to them when one pulled a dagger and ran at her. I pulled my gun and shot him. I guess everyone wasn't expecting the sound of a gunshot everyone covered there ears and scattered before regrouping. I rode up next to the shield hero who shielded the princess from the guard. I got off my midnight and walked over. The other guards charged and I drew my gun and shot the rest of them. They stood there unable to believe what just happened.

Alex: "so you mine the shield hero. My name is Alexander Flint and the queen summoned me from another world to help you."

Guns and glory (A Highschool DXD fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now