Till All Are One (final chapter)

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A/N: Ah finally the last chapter of this story, so glad this is done, it took awhile but I hang in there, sorry if this didn't make sense but I was doing my best since I'm so busy with work along covering shifts for people but hey no ones perfect XD. So there are some things I'm going to explained after the last the chapter. If anybody want to know why BlackClaw was really weak when he was near Unicron and had to leave, well this what X_Midnight_X told me, Unicron's prescence was affecting him, meaning he was weak when BlackClaw was near Unicron and he couldn't do anything so he had to leave. Now my next part, for those who will be confused on why Sari is the daughter of Primus, well this just my opinion, but I think Sari is the daughter of Primus cause since she meet the allspark cube in the first episode and that it had a 'conversation' with Sari and giving her key the allspark then when she became a techno organic and they couldn't explain how Sari wound up in Professor Sumdac's lab and she finally had the allspark in her without the key in season 3, so I'm thinking that Primus put her in there for Professor Sumdac to find her and make her born. Now I know some of you think that Sari maybe Megatron's daughter since Ratchet stated that Sari had Megatron's parts in her, now I agree with you some on that it could be true that Sari may be Megsy's daughter but like I said its just my opinion. Now Shadow, for those don't know I made Shadow the son of Unicron cause if Primus can make children so can Unicron even though he's the chaos bringer, now here's what I want to explained, if Shadow gets killed Unicron gets destroyed, easy and I'm not really good at fighting scenes so I kind of didn't want to waste my time on the fighting scene so yeah. So that explains for the last chapter now I'm going explained something that I was gonna do for this story. There was gonna be a chapter where Sari was going to sacrifice herself to slow down Unicron and be 'dead' for a couple of chapters and come back with Prowl but I decided against it cause it was gonna take awhile and I was gonna some comments saying why I did this so yeah. I would like to explained more for this story but I don't think have anymore and I believe its time to move onto this chapter and get this chapter down, so here we go.


Chapter 26. Till All Are One


Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_xX

Ocs- X_Midnight_X


Faë was on a tall building, scouting watching for Optimus Megatron and Sari to come back. She was also watching to see if Unicron would fall. So far nothing yet.

"Faë anything yet?" Cäsium called.

"No nothing as of yet," Faë called back, "I don't see Unicron falling or..."

Faë trailed off when she saw Unicron shaking and looked like crumbling down.

Faë's optics widen in surprise and shock of what she was seeing

"Everybody! Unicron is falling!" She yelled.

Everybody looked at each other surprised of what the turquoise femme said.

"Is she serious?" Shifter asked.

"Yeah she's serious, look," Illusion pointed.

They look and sure enough Unicron was falling down, but one thing was bugging them. Where was Optimus, Sari and Megatron?

"Faë! Do you see Sari and the others?" BlackClaw asked

"Um hang on a sec," Faë looked to scan for them.

Faë continued to scan Optimus, Sari and Megatron, until she saw three figures coming.

Faë gasped. It was them. She quickly got off the building and ran to the others.

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