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A/N: Ugh I've been wanting to do this chapter for so freaking long since *looks at what chapters when Sari had that nightmare* Holy slag its been long since Returning Home chapter 5 O_o wow. Anyways I got one more chapter to go and I'm splitting this into part 2. I'll explained that after ch 19 why this is being split. Also fair warning this will be dark as pits and if you are sensitive to dark creepy images skip it and wait for Chapter 19 that is all.

Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_Xx

Ocs- X_Midnight_X

Transformers © Hasbro

Chapter 18. Nightmares


As everybody got back to base, it got dark and crickets were chirping away, annoying Blackclaw a lot.

"Alright where are those noise makers?" He growled looking around base looking for them.

"They're hard to find Blackclaw, and the reason why they make noises is cause the males only make that and its to attract mates," Sari explained.

Blackclaw sighed, she had a point, earth animals were strange but they were to shown interesting things. Blackclaw looked down at Sari and saw she dark circles around her blue eyes. It looked like she hadn't had sleep for awhile.

"You seemed tired little one, you looked ready to hit the floor," he pointed out.

"Well considering its been a rough and weird week, I haven't gotten much sleep lately," Sari yawned.

"Go get some sleep, you looked ready to hit face first to the floor," Blackclaw ushered. He didn't want to see the young girl fall asleep in the middle of the hall and get squished.

Sari nodded yawning and went to her room.


Sari entered her quarters yawning again, hopefully she'll get a good night's rest cause this week was rough. Sari took her shoes off and crawled info her bad not bothering to change her clothes into her PJs. Sari drifted to sleep.


~Warning Dark images ~

Sari was running through what looked like a torn street of Detroit. She was trying to find her friends, she was scared she didn't know what was going on, she needed her friends, she needed their protection, but all she could see was dead human bodies litter all over the place. She could see they didn't have any body parts on them, she could see blood flowing out and human bones sticking out.

What's going on here? Why do I feel like the Decepticons didn't do this? Sari's mind racing.

Sari stopped in her tracks and tried to look for Optimus and her friends, but she couldn't see anything cause of the fire and smoke.

"Optimus! Bumblebee! Where are you?!" Sari screamed hoping for an answer.

Sari closed her blue eyes and concentrated on finding everybody's sparks, hoping to see where they were at and okay, but she couldn't sense them.

What's going on? Why can't sense you guys? Sari frowned.

Sari had a feeling if she go to the right, she would find her friends. Sari's feet resumed their running going to the direction that Sari wanted to go and she hoped to Primus that the others were there.

Sari's breathing increased while she was running until she stopped until she saw familiar figures. She smiled when she saw they were alright.

"Guys! I'm so glad you're okay! I was so-"

Sari stopped in her tracks and her eyes widen in horror of the scene that unfolded before her.

Scatter across the ground where her friends, lifeless not moving, their bodies grey as in offline dead while their body parts were severed. But what surprised Sari the most was that her friends weren't the only one who were dead. The Decepticons, the Dinobots and the neutrals were also dead. Seeing this made Sari put a hand to her mouth breathing heavily and feeling sick.

"No, no no," she whimpered while tears were streaming down her face, "please don't be dead."

They couldn't be dead right? They're just powered down taking a recharge to refight.

"Optimus get up come on you need to fight," Sari shaked Optimus shoulder trying to wake him. She looked at the others

"Guys please don't do this! Don't leave me alone!" She cried

Same. She got no response, she was alone, her friends that she consider as a family were dead.

A dark sinister laugh was heard making Sari froze in place and heard a deep mech's voice.

"Poor little one, all alone with no friends to be there for you. Shame," he mocked.

Sari turned and screamed. In front of her was a large mech larger then Blackclaw, Sharpfang and Lugnut. He was orange with silver legs and arms, his helm had horns from side to side and on his back were to look like wings.

Sari backed away scared but stumbled and fell when she tripped over Zoë's broken helicopter blades.

Wake up Sari surely this is a dream so all you do is wake up!

"Oh poor little brat, so alone it makes me cry," a familiar voice pretending to pout.

Sari looked up and gasp. Standing in front of Unicron were five familiar figures. She could only make out their silhouettes cause they were standing in the darkness and Sari couldn't see the color of their optics cause they were black, but Sari knew who they were.

"My son destroy her she is no use," the deep voice mech order.

"Yes my lord," the silhouette familiar mech bowed to him.

The mech walked over to Sari smirking evily.

He brought out his ax, pointing it to Sari then slashed it-

A/N: CLIFFHANGER! Sorry I had to do that but the chappie is done! And so is the nightmare. Sorry for the creepiness of this chapter but I had to and I do apologize, I suck at doing nightmares in stories, if you don't believe me go read My Smile Your Love (Smile Dog Romance) my nightmare for my oc Sammy sucks, I'm not used to doing these things but at least I tried and plus sorry if this is short and do ignore half of the first A/n I changed my mind on splitting this into 2 parts I'm keeping this the same. Anyways next chapter will be intense so have fun!


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