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Chapter 19. Betrayal

Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_Xx

Ocs- X_Midnight_X



"NO!" Sari screamed thrashing in her bed who thought she was still having a nightmare.

"Sari! Wake up! You're having a nightmare!" Snowstorm voice was heard.

Snowstorm came running into Sari's room after the femme was hearing the young techno organic femme's screams.

Sari kept thrashing around screaming her head off while Snowstorm came over to her and tried to stop her thrashing.

"Sari wake up! Its okay!" Snowstorm said in a soothing voice

Sari stopped her thrashing and her screaming died down. Sari open her eyes and looked at Snowstorm.

Snowstorm smiled when Sari was calmed.

"Sari tell me what-"

Snowstorm didn't finish her sentence when out of nowhere Sari hugged Snowstorm and was suddenly in tears.

"Sari what's wrong what happened?!" Snowstorm asked quickly worried.

"What happened?" Blackclaw asked who quickly came in and saw Sari crying while Optimus and the others came running in after hearing Sari scream.

Snowstorm shrugged who also looked confused.

"I don't know but whatever nightmare she had, it really scared her," Snowstorm rubbing Sari's back calming her down.

Sari calmed down a little bit, but she was still crying.

"Sari shh its okay it was just a nightmare," Snowstorm said in a soothing tone.

"It wasn't any regular nightmare it was a horrible one," Sari whimpered, "the humans were killed you along with the cons were dead it was horrible."

"Well it was just a nightmare sweetheart we're still here," Snowstorm hugging her.

"As I said I feel like it wasn't a normal nightmare, there was a giant mech that I never seen before was in my dream," Sari gulped.

"What did the mech look like?" Optimus asked.

"He was orange with silver armor he was taller than Blackclaw Sharpfang and Lugnut, on his helm he had horns and wings on his back," Sari explained the mech from her dream.

The Autobots and the predacons stiffened about the description of mech. It couldn't be him right? He couldn't have awakened now it was stated that he won't be awaken in a million years.

"By the all spark," Ratchet muttered.

"What? Do you know anything about the mech?" Sari asked scared still.

"Sari stay in here, we need to call Cybertron and Ultra Magnus right quick," Optimus said

"I'll stay here and calm Sari," Blackclaw offered making Optimus nodded. Then him and the others quickly walked out before Sari could ask them again.

"Optimus you don't think, he came into Sari's dreams do you?" Bumblebee asked once everyone was in the command room.

"I pray to Primus Sari didn't dream about him," Optimus sighed worried, no scared for Sari's safety.

The reason Optimus didn't tell Sari about the mech from her nightmare, is that they didn't think she was ready to know who he was, they just wanted to keep her safe.

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