Through The Beast's optics

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Chapter 13 Through The Beast's Optics

Ocs- Xx_Hecate_Prime_xX

Ocs- X_Midnight_X


Warning prepare for a lot of flashbacks and sorry for being short.


Sharpfang was outside on top of the decepticons base looking out to the stars lost in thought

Who am or was I before my kind went extinct? Sharpfang thought questionly.

Just then a nagging feeling hit her like a brick causing her pain.

"Ahh!" The predafemme yelped in pain putting her claw servos to her helm in pain.

Then images came at her that looked like the past.


                                                 A predafemme that was bronze and black who had electric green optics was walking hunting for prey. She stopped and closed her optics and sniff for any scent to attack. A scent hit her nose that was prey was close. The femme hunched down and started to stalk the scent. She peeked through a bush seeing a cybertronian lion drinking water. Any minute now it was her prey

But before she could attack, a flash of reddish brown and silver tackled the lion before she had a chance to.

She snarled in anger and pounced on the intruder.

The intruder let go of the prey letting it run off making the femme more angry

"RRRRR! This is your fault!" She snarled, slashing the intruder's nosenose

The intruder yelped in pain but turned the tables on the femme by pushing her off and now on her.

The femme froze up in shock

"What are you doing?" She hissed.

"Getting you off of me," the predacon replied and by the voice it was a mech and the femme saw his optics, they were yellow.

"And don't you know who I am?"

"I am Bone Crush, leader of predacons."

Her optics widened

"M-my lord!" She yelped. "I am terribly sorry about my behavior!"

The mech or Bone Crush got off of her and looked at her with wise yellow optics

"No need to apologize, you did not know."

She slightly blushed.

Bone Crush studied her more and asked.

"May I ask your name femme?"

The femme cleared her vocals getting rid of her blush.

"My name is Draaka my lord," she bowed again.

Bone Crush gently smiled

"Then Draaka, lets hope we may cross paths again someday."

With that Bone Crush turned and left leaving a blush Draaka.

End of Flashback (there's 2 more for Sharfang)

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