2. A betrayal from a friend

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I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone buzzing. It was from Colby. I swiped my screen to open the message and it read,

Hey goober, I'm gonna hang out with Dylan a couple more hours, but I should be back by noon. Oh and don't worry about breakfast. Dylan's mom made us some.

That kid. It was 9:30 right now, so I guess the first order of business is to get some breakfast. I decided on bacon and eggs since it was easy to make and who doesn't like a classic bacon and egg breakfast?

After eating I decided to call up one of my friends. I grabbed my phone and scrolled down to the B's. I pressed the call button next to her name. She picked up almost immediately.

"You know, you should really get a life outside school."

"Hey Bri!" Brianna is one of my best friends. We go way back to 2nd grade.

"So, did you end up confessing your feelings for Blake?" That's right. I forgot I told her I was going to give it a shot yesterday.

"Um, not exactly."

"What? Did you chicken out?"

"No. More like someone beat me to the punch."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Well after I texted him and asked him if he could meet me after school, he texted back and said that he had somewhere else to be. So I kinda let it go. But right when I was leaving the school I forgot about my homework Mr. Walker gave us so I headed back to the classroom. That's when I heard someone confess their feelings to him and he accepted. After they left I grabbed my homework and headed home."

"Wait, so you're telling me the day you just happened to decide to finally confess to him after liking him for years, that someone just all of a sudden also decided to confess to him? Uh sorry not buying it!"

"There's a reason for that. And you're right, it's not a coincidence. When I told you and Avery, it was in a group chat. You both helped me decide a place and a time. I wanted to do it during my lunch period since we both have the same lunch, but Avery was very insistent on the time to be 3:00 after school. Said it was more romantic."

"Wait! You're not telling me that-"

"Yes. Avery was the one who confessed to him first. So it's not so much the fact that he probably would have rejected me since he said yes to Avery, it's more so that I'm disappointed about the person."

"How could she do that to you!?! She knew you've liked him for years. You even went out of your way to ask us both if we had feelings for him so that we could have a chance. She said she didn't! Why that lying little bi-"

"Ok, well it's in the past now and I just want to enjoy my vacation now."

"But, you can't just let her get away with this and do nothing!"

"Don't worry, I won't. I just want to relax right now. I'll deal with the situation later."

"Alright, well, you call me if you need anything. Don't forget, I'll always be here for you."

"Thanks Bri! You're the best! Bye! Talk to you later."

"Bye!" Beep! Brianna's always been an outspoken girl, even when she was young. Only difference now is, back then she was known as the 'chubby' girl. But over the summer before high school, she started eating right and exercising and now all the boys chase after her. It also kinda helps that she's got blue eyes and dirty blond hair. She also likes to go out to clubs, even though she's only 16. But no one ever questions it because she certainly looks 21. But on the inside, she's the nicest girl you'll ever meet. Except when she's mad. Then she'scary as hell.

A couple minutes after our talk, I decided to walk over to Jack's Corner, a convenience store right down the road from my house. I wanted to get some chocolate milk and we needed more cat food. Our cat Smokey, is one of the most boring animals ever. But she's nice the have around since she doesn't bother anybody. I actually wanted to name her Isis after Catwomen's favorite cat, but we had a vote for it and it was three against one so, what can you do?

It was really empty in the store today. I saw T. Ray at the cash register like always. No one really knows why people call him T. Ray. People just started calling him that. The only other people inside besides me and T. Ray was this old man with dark skin and a mom with, what looks to be a 6 year old child.

I picked out the items I was going to buy and headed for the cash register. The mom was busy paying for some candy for her son. But she apparently forgot her card at home and was desperately searching her purse for cash. While doing so, her son wandered over to the other side of the counter to look at the colorful array of lighters. I was debating whether or not to give her some of my change after I check out, but right when I was about to say something, two men busted through the front doors screaming "This is a Robbery!"


We all put our hands up,but I guess for insurance he grabbed the kid who was so scared he couldn't even get his screams out. "Alright listen up! Put all the money in the bag and no one gets hurt!" He was screaming at T. Ray with his gun pointed at me and the kids mom.

"Ok, ok. Just please don't hurt any of the customers." He started putting money in the bag and suddenly the mom tried to race over to her kid.


The man who had his gun pointed at us suddenly grabbed the women and said, "SHUT UP LADY!" This caused T. Ray to stop what he was doing and look over in our direction. "No one told you to stop! Keep it coming!"

Then the kid yelled out "MOMMY! HELP ME!" He started to thrash around and accidentally hit the man holding him in his privates with his elbow. The man let out a grunt and he said"YoU LiTtLE ShIt! i'M gOnNa KiLl YoU!" Then as the kid was running to his mother, the man pointed his gun at the back of the kid's head. I only had a split second to react and make a decision. So I ran over as fast as I could and pushed the boy out of the way. I heard a loud shot and then a burning pain coming from my stomach. I reached my hand down and lifted it up again to see it filled with blood. Then I collapsed on the gound.

"Shit! This wasn't supposed to happen!"

"Come on! Let's go! Before the cops show up!"

With that, I heard there boots stomping out of the store. Is it over? T. Ray came around the corner and looked at me.

"Come on kid stay with me! Here call 911 quickly!"

He handed the lady who just got through hugging her son the phone and she began dialing the number, while T. Ray was trying to apply pressure to my wound with a rag. I'm glad the kid's safe. The mother too. What's a kid without his mother after all? I turned my head to see the old man emerge from his hiding spot behind the shelves, wide eyed at the events that just unfolded. Looks like they didn't even notice him. I'm glad that he's safe too. I heard sirens outside not too long later and a bunch of people yelling.

I could barley keep my eyes open anymore. They were so heavy. Was I going to die? Oh well. At least maybe I'll be known as a hero. But wait, what about my family and my friends? Ugh, this is just the worst. How about that? Getting shot at a convenience store robbery. What a pathetic way to die. My last thought before my consciousness faded was what was my brother going to do when he finds out his sister went to the convenience store for some chocolate milk and cat food, just to discover she never returned home because she died? That was the last thing that occupied my mind, before it completely went blank.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now