21. Officially meeting Babs

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I clicked on Jason's profile, but there really wasn't much to look at. It had all his information, like his name (obviously), age, occupation, and under status it says DECEASED. I guess either Bruce doesn't want many people that have access to this database to know he's alive, or he's just lazy.

I closed it after finding no juicy information on it what so ever. I made my way to the kitchen for something to drink. There wasn't anyone in there when I arrived. I grabbed some orange juice out of the fridge and poured some in a cup.

"That hit the spot!" I looked up at the clock to notice that it was almost lunch time. Guess me and Tim stayed out a little longer than expected.

I didn't really do anything for the rest of that day. In fact, I didn't do much of anything for the next week and a half. Yup, for the next 10 days all I did was lounge around and talk to the guys. Except for 2 main things that happened. First, I started school 2 days after me and Tim went out for coffee and kind of made amends. It didn't go that bad, I mean Tim helped me. Somewhat. All he really did was give me a piece of paper on telling me where to go and then left me stranded. Oh and just to let you know, no, I didn't make any new friends. I tried, but every time I tried talking to someone, they either ignored me or just scoffed at my presence. And don't get me started on the uniforms.

Second, I met Barbra Gordon, or Babs as they call her. She was actually a really sweet person.(not that I expected any less) It was actually right after we got back from school.


"Hi! My name's Barbra! But you can just call me Babs. You're Lucy right? It's nice too meet you."

She had a big sweet smile on her face. I figured I'd be meeting some super heroes since I came to the manor, but wow. Batgirl in the flesh. I was absolutely screaming inside.

"Yes, I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you too!"

I stuck my hand out to shake hers.


We went on the couch and watched some movies and talked about what we liked and disliked.


"Well, that was fun. We'll have to have another girl's night sometime."

"Yeah!" I replied excitedly.

With that she left.

Back to present

So yeah, that all happened within the span of one day. But coming towards the day that I wanted to talk about, I should warn you. I wasn't prepared. And you won't be either.

It was honestly like any other day I had spent there. Nothing too exciting, that's for sure. That's until someone I least expected to see to show up. But it will end up being a day I will never forget.

Me and Tim had gotten back from school and were slumped on the couch. About 5 minutes after we had gotten really settled, Damian came up and whispered something in Tim's ear. Whatever it was, it made Tim's expression change from relaxed to serious. Neither of them spared me a glance as they both walked towards one of the secret entrances to the bad cave. And I didn't run into anyone else that whole evening.

A couple hours later, after I changed my clothes, I thought that I would die of bordem. So I decided that I would head down to the bat cave myself. I went into the secret entrance located in the grand-father clock.

As the elevator went down, I had this really nasty sense of foreboding.

When the small metal box reached the end, the doors opened with a ping. All I saw when I stepped out was darkness. Except for the glow coming from the bat cave computers. And one single person sitting in front of them.

As I got closer to the person in the seat, I noticed that it was Babs, and she was in her costume. I took a glance at the monitors and noticed little colored dots moving on a map and some other weird code things that I know I wouldn't understand even if I tried.

"What's going on?" She kept looking at the screen as she answered.

"We think we found Jason." I looked back at the screen and saw a red dot on the map that said Jason. Guess I was too engrossed in this amazing tech to notice.

I looked back at Babs and asked the obvious.

"Is that why the rest of them left in such a hurry?"


"Why didn't you go with them and track him on the way?"

"I've tried that before and we lost him each time. So I'm making sure we don't lose him this go around."

That made sense. I stood there and watched her fingers type on the keyboard at a million miles per second without looking at the screen. Wish I could do that.

I looked back at the map and saw the guy's dots right on Jason's tail. But then I noticed something weird. Jason's dot was moving, but not like how you'd think it would move. It was different. Laggey, almost, is the best way to describe it. I dunno. It's hard to explain.

I brushed it off and decided to head back upstairs. Since there really wasn't anything else for me to do.

I got back up and my stomach started growling.

Welp. Time to eat.

I made my way to the kitchen.

I turned to lights on.

He was a lot more handsome than in the comics I must say.

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