27. Making Tim laugh

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Not my art^ enjoy the chapter 😁

Ugh. So yeah, I made friends with THE Starfire,but... IM SO BORED! It's been about two days since I met Starfire and that morning Dick drove me back to the mansion. And no. We didn't almost crash this time. Anyways, yeah it's been two days since then and just a little month since I've been here. Can't believe it's been that long already. I'm so ready for some more action to happen already. Just as I was thinking that, in walks Tim. Great, just what I need. Not what I meant by action.

I was on the living room couch, me and Tim having a staring contest. I debated whether on starting up a conversation with him or not.

"What?" I asked eventually.

"Nothing, you were staring and I decided to stare back." Okayyyy. Weirdo. I decided to not question it." You wanna go out?" What?! My face turned a deep red and he must've noticed because his face started flushing as well and he started to try and explain himself.

"W-wait no i-its not what you think! I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall with me today since you looked bored and-"

"You know that you're just digging yourself into a deeper rabbit hole, right?" An all too familiar menacing voice cut in.

"Damian, not the time!"

"Hitting on her already huh? How pathetic are you?" Now Tim seemed to be more angry than embarrassed at that point." What is that supposed to mean?" Tim asked through gritted teeth." Oh you know. How Steph's already over you and I'm guessing that now this is just your pathetic attempt to do so as well." Uh oh. With how tense the atmosphere was getting I decided to just cut in and say something.

"Hey you know what Tim, I'd love to go, let's head out before it gets late!" I yelled and grabbed Tim's arm to head out the door. Ugh that was the worst excuse ever though. Before it gets late? It's literally 10:00 in the morning. Deep sigh. I must've sounded so stupid.

^time skip brought to you by spongebob^

We finally made it too the mall which was about a 15 minute walk from the mansion. An awkward walk. Well, it was awkward at first, but right towards the end I made a stupid random joke that actually made him laugh.



"Hmm?" Was all he said as an indicator that he was listening.

"You know why dark is spelled with a k and not a c?"

"I don't know. Why?" He asked as if he was genuinely curious. It's like he didn't even get the memo that this is supposed to be a joke. Oh well, all the better his reaction will be then.

"Because you can't c in the dark!" I made a wink at him and pointed both my hands at him.

"..." He didn't say anything for a while, but then I heard a snicker. Then a chuckle. Then a Ha Ha. The a full on laugh!

"BwaHahaha ha! Oh that was actually pretty good!" Wow I actually managed to get him to laugh.

I felt really proud at myself for that.


Now I just gotta make through this trip in the mall with him. Maybe he'll just go somewhere else and leave me to wander the place. Oh well, time to find out!

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