36. I want to die

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Tim's Pov

"I don't know about you, but I'm tired of standing around waiting. We can deal with Todd later. He's not the priority right now."

"I hate to agree with the demon spawn over here, but he's right. There's no time to worry about whether Jason's on his way to kill Joker or not. We don't even know where he is yet and he has Lucy. That's what's concerning right now."

"I know!" The man getting lectured by his own children suddenly yelled. It took both me and Damian back a little. Dick was leaning against the wall further back. If it was up to us, we'd already be out searching. But, Bruce wanted to come up with a plan first. So here we are. And what's his plan? Finding Jason. Doesn't matter that the girl he's supposed to be taking charge of got kidnapped and could already be dead. Oh no. Jason's the only one that matters. Because he can't risk letting him down again.

I clenched my hands around my criss-crossed arms. Here we are all suited up and we're not even doing anything. And who knows where Babs is? Haven't seen or heard from her since she left for her apartment earlier today. Could really use her tracking skills right about now.

"I know the situation's dire right now. However, if Jason meets Joker, it could end up badly, so we need to keep him under control first.

"What? Worried he'll kill him? If he doesn't get the job down, I'll do it myself." I looked over at Damian and although his mask is covering his eyes, I could tell he's got a cold glare. His voice was raspy, still that of a young boy's. But it held power. Damian doesn't get this vocal on someone or any situation like this easily. It just proves the impact Lucy's had on him. On all ofus.

"Damian, listen, I-" Before Bruce could say anymore, we heard the sound of footsteps pounding rapidly from the corridor that led outside the Batcave. Making out the people running through, we saw Alfred and Babs. Carrying Lucy on her back.

"Master Bruce!" I could hear the panic in Alfred's voice and I noticed all of us tense up for a second, anticipating what would be said next. I could tell everyone was hoping Lucy was okay. But I knew better.

"It's Lucy! She's hurt bad and she won't wake up!" Babs yelled frantically. I knew Lucy had become like a sister to her in the short time they've known each other.

"Hurry! Bring her over here!" Bruce shouted and removed things that were piled on a long table. Alfred quickly grabbed a box with a red cross on it, and got ready to do the best he could on the makeshift table Lucy was now laying on.

Me, Dick, and Damian were frozen. None of us dared move. Afraid we would hear the news we didn't want to hear. But then again, I didn't keep my hopes up. Alfred, Babs, and Bruce were surrounding her on the table. I knew they were saying something to each other, but I couldn't hear anything. My ears were ringing and my heart hurt from beating so fast. It was beginning to get so hot, that it became unbearable. I started hearing muffled yells and I saw Damian rush out through my peripheral vision and Dick going after him. I saw Babs running to the bat computer. Not sure what she was doing.

"Bruce!" At Alfred's unusual panicked voice, I finally snapped out of whatever trance I was in and looked forward, focusing on them.

"Bruce! She needs proper medical attention. I think she broke her ribs here." Alfred pointed to a spot on her torso where he lifted up her shirt. I couldn't see anything because of Bruce's back.

"I can't believe she's lasted this long, but if she doesn't get proper help, she won't last much longer. The more time she's like this, the higher the chance that her lung will puncture if it hasn't already."

I finally began walking forward. I wanted to see her. At first, it didn't seem real that Babs found her. It didn't seem real that both Alfred and Bruce were panicking right now. It didn't seem real, until I saw her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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