26. Dick's a dick

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A few more minutes of driving and we make it to the apartment Dick and Kori share. We walk up to the door and right before Dick opens it, he turns and looks at me like he's hesitating about what he wants to say to me.

"I gotta warn, although you might know a lot of stuff about us, I feel like until you actually interact with her in person, you'll still feel already feel welmed." I chucked a little bit at what he said.

"And, there it is." He gave me a confused look and said, "There's what?"

"Nothing, forget I said anything." He just turned around and pulled out the keys to the door and got ready to open it. But before he could even turn the nob, the door opened to reveal a tan skinned, red haired, tameranian.

"HI! You must be Lucy! Oh Dick's told me so much about you." She came up and pulled me into a bear hug. Not gonna lie, her chest made me self conscious and without realizing it I looked down at my own.

"Ahh, come on. Don't feel too bad, I mean, I told you you'd get welmed." My face turned blood red as I looked up and saw Dick laughing after what he just said. "Hey-"


Before I could even start chewing him out, I saw a flash of red hair and Dick fly across the hall and into some boxes.

"You should know better than to talk to a girl like that. How shameful." Starfire was going to say more when an old lady from down the hall stepped out of her apartment and asked what was going on. Kori put on a sweet face and said, "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry about it." Then I heard the old lady mumble something about, kids these days, and walk back into her apartment.

"Now then Lucy, would you like to come in?" After my brain caught up to the situation I finally responded to her with a nod. After I walked in she closed the door leaving her pathetic excuse for a boyfriend out in the hall.

"Wow he really lives up to his name, doesn't he." After she realized that I said something, she looked at me with a little shock that was quickly replaced with a warm smile.

"Yup, Dick's a dick." I looked at her and started laughing. "Couldn't of said it better myself."

After I finally calmed down from my laugh fest, she walked past me into what I assumed was the living room and sat on the couch. I followed her and sat beside her.

"So, you supposedly know everything about us, or am I wrong?"

"So Dick told you?" She shook her head and said, "He told me your story but he mostly just talked about you. As a person. Not where you came from. So yes I know the general stuff, but not everything." When she finished I started wondering what he could've said about me.

"If you're wondering what he said about you, don't worry, it's nothing bad."

"Woah! Can you read minds? That's like, so cool!"

"No, nothing like that, but I am good at reading people." She gave little chuckle. "What's funny?"

"Nothing, you just remind me of someone I know." I looked at her confused, but then I caught on. I decided not to pursue the subject since I didn't want to intervene on some personal stuff.

"Hey can I ask you something?" She suddenly interrupted my thoughts with a question. "Sure, go ahead."

"You wanna be sisters?" I was taken aback is an understatement. I was utterly shocked. Okay that's a little melodramatic, but I was surprised. I decided to just answer without questioning it. Even though I didn't have too since she started explaining anyway.

"It's just, I never really had a good relationship with my sister and I've always wanted a younger sister like you. Someone who I can easily talk too and give advice. But it's okay if you say no since it's a little weird."

"No no, it's not weird at all. In fact I'd be happy too! I've always wanted an older sister, even a little sister would be great. But I got stuck with a younger brother instead."

"Really? What's his name?"


"I'll bet you miss him." I mean I have been missing him for some time, but when she said that, it struck a chord in me. I really do miss him. At this point it felt like I was going to cry. I think Kori noticed and decided to change the subject. "Um, pretty braclet."

I looked down at the gray string holding a black paw print charm. How did I not notice this before.

"Thanks, it's a bracelet that I had before I came here." I remember buying this from some little girl trying to raise money for a school trip. It's not special or anything, it's just I never take it off and end up forgetting I'm even wearing it.

Then I thought of something. "Here, you take it." Kori looked a little surprised and held her hands up saying, "No I couldn't."

"But I want you too, its a promise to be sisters."

"But I don't have anything to give you."

"It's fine. It'll make me happy just knowing that you'll be wearing it." She smiled and slipped the bracelet on her wrist.

Then we heard the door slam open, then slam shut. Then we see Dick walk in panting a little. He started talking and his voice cracked a little.

"I just had to listen to 6 people complaining about the noise and make more apologies here and now than I ever had to make in my entire life. I am so done!" Me and starfire looked at him for a little bit and started laughing.

"What?" He asked with a confused look on his face. Kori responded.

"Nothing sweetie, just, you look so pathetic right now." Then she got up and walked towards him. "But it's okay, that's why I fell in love with you." Then she started kissing him. And he kissed back. After about 10 seconds, I couldn't take it any longer. "Uhh guys, get a room."

They both looked at me like they forgot I was there and Kori asked, "Would you like to stay the night?"


That was a great memory. Although the next morning I recomended the get a new couch. Was definitely not meant to be slept on. Although, one thing I didn't expect, was that I'd be losing a bracelet, but gaining a sister.

Low key mad at myself for taking this long to publish this. But it's here now so I hope you enjoy. RIP my thumbs.🥲

                             -Peace peeps🐤

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now