34. Classic Kidnapping

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We love a classic kidnapping, don't we? I mean who doesn't? Watching as the kidnaped is questioned and nearly tortured by the kidnap-y, except, oh, the hero bursts through and saves the day just in time, before the kidnapped could even receive a scratch. Sucks for me I guess. I've been punched, kicked in the gut, and tased at least three times. I could feel both sides of my face swelling already. The left side more so than the right. I could feel the blood pouring from my busted lip and most likely broken nose. My mid section hurt so much, it felt like I needed to vomit, but not quite. The three spots where I was tased, right below my neck, are stinging something fierce. And if you've wondering if I'm still straight faced and toughing it all out, so as not to show my weaker side? Oh no, I started crying long ago. Listen. You couldn't convince me, even if you were the best actor in the world, that you wouldn't not cry in this situation. How I got in this situation you asked? Well let me shorten it up for you. 

After running for a while, the Joker eventually dropped my on a few buildings away and tased me, knocking me unconscious. The last thing I heard was, "I can't listen to your whining the whole way, I want you to save that pretty screaming for later." And I was out like a light. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair, in a warehouse. Classic. I was also unhurt. It was probably about 2 minutes of me struggling with the rope when he came out from the shadows.

"Aww, so she awakens. How lovely of you to come back." He had an evil mirk on his face. I know I should be careful with my next words. And the rest of my words too. Because being in this situation right now? I'm terrified. It's not like reading the comics or watching the movies or playing the games, when you know what happens next. I could really die right now and the fear and adrenaline pumping through my body is causing my temperature to go up. I know my body's pushing over a hundred. I'm also having trouble focusing. But, I still try to keep my voice steady and hang onto the hope that someone will. come for me. 

"I'm sure you have better things to do than interrogate me about Batman. Here, I'll go ahead and answer a few of the questions that you're probably thinking about asking anyway. No, I don't know why Batman is keeping me around. No, he doesn't care that much about me, that I can promise you and yes, I know his true identity." With that, I finally looked up at his face, and he had the most evil grin, the kind of grin that would make you wish you were dead instead of having to stare at it. I also saw in his hands a crowbar. It made me think of Jason and the fun night we had just had together. It caused me to start crying. Yes, I started crying before I got physically hurt. Get over it. 

"Well, you did do me a favor right now by giving me information I don't particularly care about, but still appreciate, so to show my appreciation, I won't use this," he dropped the crowbar, and it made a loud echo in the warehouse, "however, I didn't take you to get information. Any chance I get to see Batsy again gives me a thrill. I also love mangling his new toys. I'm sure you've met one of my most favorites. He was there when I took you away after all. Can you guess which one?"

I started to understand. How could I have not realized it sooner? This is JOKER! He's not like most other villains. He doesn't have a singular goal. The only thing he cares about is messing with Batman. It was at this moment I realized I was doomed.


"CORRECT!" And as your reward...WHAM!-" He punched me hard on the left side of my face. It hurt so bad. He even voiced the stupid sound affect.

And that's how we got where we are. Mangled in a chair. Or, I should say where I am. He also kicked my gut if I forgot to mention that earlier. It caused the chair to tip over and fall back. That was his final blow for now and before he walked away he said, "I'll give the Batbrats some time to figure out where you are. If they can't, I'll come back and mangle you up some more, HAHAHAHAHA!" He walked away, back into the shadows, his laughter dying down as he got further and further.

Eventually, I turned myself to my side, to get more comfortable. I tried sitting myself upright again, but I just couldn't. My left eye was beginning to swell shut and I began crying at my patheticness.

I can't believe I let myself be captured like that. It's the most humiliating thing. I always make fun of the girls who get captured in shows and now that I'm here, I understand them a whole lot more. Oh woe is me.

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