22. A conversation with Jay

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I mean come on, everybody knows that he's hot, but seeing him in person feels like a different experience. Almost like it confirms that he is in fact hot. But anyways, while I was caught up in my thoughts, I guess he decided to speak to me because I heard him ask, "So, who're you?"

I stood there, quiet for a couple seconds, trying to register the fact that this is Jason Todd standing in the kitchen eating some ice cream, right out of the bowl. White streak in his hair and all.

"Um, I'm-" Before I could answer, he cut me off with a chuckle. "I'm just messin' with you. I know who you are. And before you ask how, that's for me to know and for you to never find out."

I know I should be over the shock but, well, you know. Jason Todd.

"So, you gonna talk, or just keep staring at me like I'm the hottest man in the world. Which, I totally am."

"Actually, I personally like Dick way more, because contrary to his name, he doesn't act like one. Unlike a certain someone."

"What are you implying?" He made a sort of sound that sounded like a mixture or mad and joking. But I couldn't tell which.

"I mean that in the nicest way possible. So please don't kill me. But you can't really blame me can you?" I know that he actually could, because I understand his frustration and anger towards Bruce and the others. I know a part of him changed when he went in the Lazurus pit and that he still has a grudge against Batman for abandoning him. But he just doesn't get that Batman may have abandoned him, but BRUCE never did.

"Listen here short stuff," here we go," you weren't there. Yeah, you may know everything about my life and what happened in it, but you still weren't there, so I suggest you stay out of other people's business, alright?" He started walking towards me, then shoved we with his large frame as he walked past.

"Jason wait I-" But it was too late. By the time I turned around and looked in the hallway, he was gone.

~Later that night~

I was in my room at my desk, writing the events that transpired earlier in my journal, when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in." I shouted without looking up. Whoever it was opened the door and spoke immediately.

"Hey, just wanted to check to see how you were doing since we were gone for a while." I instantly knew who it was from the deep disgruntled voice.

"It was okay Bruce, boring, but okay. Um, actually, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Sure." He took a couple steps into the room so that he can close the door. He then walked over to the edge of my bed and sat down on it facing towards me.

I got ready to speak. Then clammed up.

"It's alright. Whatever you need to tell me. No rush. I promise it will stay between us. And you can trust me."

You can trust me. Hmm.

"Umm, I don't like the school I'm going to."

At first he had a look of disbelief, like I was joking. Which, I kind of was and kind of wasn't. I really didn't like the school he made me go to.


"Oh, that's all.." I didn't mention the part where I just ran into Jason Todd himself of course. I'll probably regret it later. He now had a look of confusion. Like he was wondering what to do next. Then suddenly, he sprang up from the bed and walked to the door.

"Well, there's not much I can do about that, I have people I actually trust working in that school so you'll just have to deal with it. Thank you for telling me. I'll see you in the morning at breakfast. Rest well and good night."

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