20. Bruce's gift

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If I didn't regret it then, I defiantly do now thinking back on it. That was probably a main reason why my situation with Tim got worse later on. And to be completely honest, he never even really told me about her. He said she just stopped coming around and that he hadn't seen her in a while. But I felt like there was more to the story. But I didn't push anymore, just to be considerate. It was kind of awkward for a little bit after that, but then I brought up how we'll be going to the same school and he told me about it. About the people to avoid, the crappy teachers. The whole shebang. When we got back to the mansion he said he had something to work on for Bruce and headed back to his room. And that leads me to now.

I was standing in the main part of the mansion wondering what to do, since Tim left me stranded. But then, like magic, Bruce came up and asked if I could come with him. He led me to an office like room and pulled out an expensive looking phone.

"Here, this is for you. I figured you'd might need one since you're staying here." He had a gentle smile on his face, almost like he was excited to give it too me. "Are you serious? Thanks! You really didn't have too though."

"Well, I did." Although it seemed like he was trying to be sarcastic, it came out more nice sounding than I think he wanted. "By the way, it already has all our contacts in it. Including Damian's."

"Cool. Now, nothing can stop me from prank calling every last pizza joint in this city." I said with an evil smirk. I tried making my voice a little more high pitched like a witch. Bruce burst out laughing from his failed attempts to not.

"Well, before you go off and do something else, I wanted to know how your outing with Tim went."

"It actually went pretty good. He told me about school and everything." I was tempted to ask him about Stephanie, but against my better judgment, I decided not too. Which I will come to regret later on.

"Alright well, let me know if he starts acting like an asshole again. Ok?"


After that Bruce walked to a wall(which turned out to be a secret elevator)and went down to the Bat cave. I looked at my new phone, wondering who I should prank call first. Before I could do anything, I saw a little bat symbol on the screen. I tapped it and it opened up some kind of database with all the villains and heroes that Bruce has encountered. That's neat. I noticed a tab next to the hero and villain ones called 'unlisted'. There were only a couple, but one of them caught my eye. It was Jason's. Jason Todd.

Sorry for short chapter. I have no excuses.I'm just lazy. Also, I don't know if you noticed but I'm kind of changing between future Lucy and present Lucy's perspective. Trying to give you guys a little foreboding action. If it seems like it's not working out I'll come back and change it.


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