24. Kid Flash acting fishy

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Ok so sadly I cant publish anymore chapters on my computer anymore, so I'm gonna have to do it on my phone for a while.(which I hate😫)

So I'm sorry that this chapter took a while to come out. I'll try to make it as long as possible but my thumbs get tired so it probably won't be that long but anyways hope you still enjoy😊

After I finished breakfast I went to the library to find a book. I noticed that I haven't really read anything since I got here. Which is unusual for me since I love to read. I walked through the aisles of shelves trying to find something. There wasn't a lot of fiction to pick from which is usually my go to kind of book. But I mean what can you expect. It's Bruce. I finally decided to just go with Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen. I sat down on the little couch near the window and started reading. I've never read this book before but people tell me it's good. Although others tell me it's cringy and not worth the read.

I got about 30 pages in when I heard the doorbell ring. Letting my curiosity get the better of me, I got up to see who it could be.

I got to the door frame of the library just in time to see Alfred opening the door.

"Ahh. Mr. West. What a pleasant surprise. I'm afraid that if you're looking for master Dick, he's out at the moment. But you can leave a message if you like."

"That's cool. I just stopped by to grab something I left here last time I was over."

"Of course please come in."

He smiled at Alfred and walked in. I guess I was staring to hard cause the second he took 2 steps inside the home he looked my way with a shocked expression.

I didn't know what else to do so I kinda stiffened up and waved my hand a lite and said, "Ummm, hi?"

Alfred started to introduce us. "Mr. West, this is miss Lucy Godfrey. Miss Lucy, thus is Mister Wally West. He is an old friend of Dicks. Mr. West, miss Lucy is staying with us at the moment. Now if that is all, I'll be on my way."

And with that Alfred walked away leaving me with this random dude. Well, he's not exactly random. I know who he is. Kid flash himself.

"Nice to meet you I'm-" He stuck his hand out so I can shake it until I cut him off.

"Wally West, aka Kid Flash. Don't worry. I already know everything." I said as I shook his hand.

He had confusion written all over his face."Uhhh, everything?"

"Everything." I replied.

It was quiet for a while until I asked, "So, what did you need to grab?"

Breaking out of his confusion he said "OH, I have to get some papers with some info on it about..uh.. criminals."

"OK, well I don't wanna hold you up to long so, I guess I'll see ya."

"Yeah, nice to meet you though."

"You too." I said to him as he disappeared into the house. Wow. Kid Flash. Didn't think I'd meet him here. But, something about the way he said criminals, and the way he was acting after the fact. Something fishy is going on here, and I intend to find out what!

Kid Flash enters the building *hyped up music starts playing*

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now