3. Meeting 'Boy Wonder'

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I expected to wake up and see Heaven's gates. Or maybe the ceiling of a hospital room. I mean I could've survived. But, I didn't wake up to either. Actually, the first thing I saw was the starry night sky. I was confused at first. Maybe I was dreaming? I laid there on my back, just staring up at the sky for what felt like hours. Then I slowly pushed myself up to see where I was. It was unusually cold. I mean it is night time, but, it's summer, and it never gets this cold where I live. I looked around and I noticed that I was on the roof of a building. Furthur observation showed me that the building I was on was most likely an apartment building. The surrounding buildings looked really crummy, like, I would rather live under a rock than live here, crummy. But something about it looked familiar. Like I'd been here before. But that didn't really matter right now. What mattered was, how the heck did I get here? I mean wasn't I shot? Didn't I die? I'm so confused. In the midsts of my confusion, I noticed something in the corner of my eye. It was a figure jumping on the roofs of the buildings. Not just any figure, I was just able to make out a Robin costume. Was someone cosplaying? But it makes no sense. Why are they jumping from building to building? They must be some die hard fans of Robin. But still. To take it so far as to not only dress up as him, but jump on top of buildings too?
I finally decided to get up and find a way off of the building. I contemplated going through the building down the stairs. But I decided to use the fire escape. When I got to the bottom, the ladder was no where to be found. Sigh. Honestly. I jumped from the top trying to land in a less painful way. I ended up landing kind of hard and falling on the ground, but besides a scrape on my elbow from when I fell, I was fine. When I got up, it took a while for my brown eyes to adjust to the dark again. My tangled brown hair falling around my neck. I still had on the red Chuck Taylor high tops, my gray mickey mouse shirt and some simple blue jeans on from when I got shot. Did I get shot? At this point there wasn't even a wound.
I walked out onto the street. There wasn't a street lamp in sight, so it was really dark. I started walking down the street. I passed a couple of homeless people and a few alleyways with people who were most likely doing drug deals. I walked a little further. I don't know how much time has passed since I woke up. In fact, I don't know what time it is at all. I finally got to the end of the street to a crossroads. Then I thought I heard something. I turned around, but saw nothing so I decided to brush it off. But then I heard it again. This time more clearly. I was able to make it out this time as the scream from a women. I turned my whole body this time, looking around frantically to see where it came from. I heard it again and ran towards the alley it was coming from. I can't believe I'm risking my life for someone else again. I just escaped death and now I'm just going to throw away this chance. Oh well.
I turned in the alley to find a women in a refined business suit backing away from a man with a knife. She looks to be in her early 20s with a bob that would have complimented her outfit if she didn't look so disheveled. I yelled out to the man without thinking. "Hey! Leave that women alone!"
He turned towards me with an evil glare. " Stay outta this kid." He said with a menacing stare while waving the knife in his hand at me. " Alright then. Suite yourself."
As he said this he charged at me. I panicked at first, but then I looked behind him and got and idea. Just as he swung at me I dodged it and ran past him. " You'll have to catch me first!" I mocked him as he turned around to look at me with a look that could kill and said, " You're gonna die for that you bitch!"
He came back toward me, but right before the knife came into contact with my flesh, I moved out of the way and he stumbled forward, hitting his head hard on the brick wall causing him to pass out. " Yeah! That's how it's done! Take that you worm!" I cheered with happiness. I may not have brawn, but I definitely have brains. I was thinking to myself, almost forgetting about the women who was still wide eyed with fear. " Excuse me ma'am, but, are you ok?" She took a second to answer, but finally said, " Yes. Thank you very much. Are you ok?"
" Right as rain."
" My name is Lisa Thomas, and I'm a reporter who was doing a story on the criminals of Gotham."
" Nice to meet you! My name's Lucille Godfrey and- wait did you just say Gotham?" I couldn't believe what I just heard.
" Of course! Oh! You must be new. This is Gotham, the home of the famous Dark Knight himself, Batman! And of course his sidekick Robin."
There's no way I heard that right. Gotham? No. No way.
" But how-" I was about to ask her how I was here(like she'd know) when she suddenly screamed pointing behind me." Look out, he's coming!"
I looked behind me only to discover that the guy that was knocked out a moment ago, is now rushing towards me with his knife. The worst part is that he's to close for me to react fast enough. So I instinctively close my eyes and hope for the best. But, the pain never came. I never felt the knife puncture my skin. I suddenly heard someone say, " I'm not Batman's sidekick."
My eyes shot open to see the figure I saw earlier in the Robin costume with the guy who was about to attack me tied up, hanging upside down from the fire escape.
" You know, a civilian shouldn't be rushing in to stop criminals."
" Yeah well, wannabe heros who sit back and do nothing are pathetic!" I answered quickly when I realized he must've been watching.
" Listen kid, it's cool that you're dedicated to the batman comics so much you're willing to dress up as boy wonder and jump on top of roofs, but it's dangerous to jump in like that. That man had a knife! You could've been hurt!"
He made a confused expression. The women from earlier who was quiet this whole time suddenly pushed past me and shouted, " Oh my gosh! Robin! A few questions if you please! What is it like being a hero at such a young age?"
He didn't answer and instead just scoffed and took out a grapple gun and went up to the roofs. I watched him fade away running on the roofs with my mouth hanging wide open. I didn't want to believe it when that lady said we were in Gotham and that that was the real Robin. But his suit looked different from the original boy wonders. He had a katana on his back and the only Robin who used katanas was the 5th one. Damian Wayne. No way.
"Um excuse me, but are you ok?" Noticing my silence Lisa spoke up. All I could do was stare and say, "yeah."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒊𝒇𝒕 𝑰 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒅 (Batfam FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now