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Hi my loves!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter! Love ya lots!


The King felt responsible for his Beta's guiltiness ever since that day. And now he kneeled in front of him, allowing that name to ring in his ears.

He had spoken to his Beta about the issue before having seen that it not only affected him but his dear friend as well. His Beta had no reason for carrying that guilt and those memories within him.

" can't do this to yourself," the King quietly whispered, pain surely on his face and voice.

"She's here David. I saw her. She's alive," the Beta responded as he tried lifting himself up.

He was serious about what he had

seen, still unable to fully explain and comprehend what he had experienced.

"Search for her David, she's here. It was her," Angel continued as he suddenly turned to his side and threw up blood on the carpet.

It was just impossible for her to be alive, just the thought of it pained him, pained him even more than how it pained his Beta.

"She's dead Angel, she's dead," he said as he stood and turned away, his eyes starring at the ground as they closed shut. He didn't need anyone to remind him of what he did, he knew his demon from that day had taken over his soul and mind ever since.

"I saw her! She's still-"

"I killed her, stabbed her, sent her to her death, remember? I did it. There's no way she could possibly be alive. I saw it when it happened, I saw it and let it happened," the King said as he glanced up, clenching his hands by his sides.

The Beta managed to sit against the couch he had been laying on before, his aching body preventing him from continuing thinking clearly.

"We all killed her David," Angel quietly responded.

The tent was lighted up by few candles, each scattered in almost every corner. The night was going to be cold, the sound of wind slowly increasing through the shaking trees outside.

"You need to rest Angel," the King said as he helped his Beta back on the couch.

Closing his eyes, the Beta allowed his body to take the rest it needed but before that...

"David?" The Beta called out to his king who was already opening the tent to walk out.

"I'll send you back to the city as soon as I can. Seems to me like you won't be able to move for a while," the King quietly said.

"She was able to break my armor with her bare hand, David," the Beta said with a raspy voice.

"Don't worry about that person. Who ever he or she is, that person will not be getting away for long," the King responded without turning back.

"She had a scroll with her. I don't know how she did it but she was able to pull it out of-"

"Angel," the King harshly said as he turned back to his Beta.

Walking back to his friend, he was already apologizing for what he was planning on doing.

"She's dead," he coldly said as he placed his hand on the Beta's head.

Grabbing the king's wrist before the king began erasing his memories, the Beta fought with his own body to keep on talking. His body had been severely beaten and broken, yet he had to say what he knew.

"She had the marks still engraved on her skin, David," the Beta said as he met eye to eye with the King.


The King's Alpha QueenWhere stories live. Discover now