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Hi guys! This chapter was all about explaining things that have happened, unanswered things that might have left everyone uneasy.
Thank you Everyone for reading!
And David... What has come of that man?^^

I couldn't breath... The fire... My body was covered in flames...that beast self multiplied and now four stood around me. Even after they all came running towards me and I desperately fought to keep them away, I couldn't manage all four with the terrible state of my body.
Where was Mishka? Where was he?
I cried not because of the pain that my body gave off but instead, cried because I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where I was or what was happening.

"Aziza! Aziza!" A voice cried out for me. Like I, the animals around me heard the voice and ran away, leaving nothing but the the fire. A fire that rose up like if it were a tall wave hovering over me. I tightened my eyes shut, gripping onto the ground as I waited for the fire to burn me entirely. What good did it come from crying?


I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the voice call my name, and this time, there was no fire around me but instead found Mishka.
Stands of his hair hung down on his face as he looked down at me, his hand placing a small cloth on my forehead.
I quickly sat up and wrapped my arms around him, catching him off balance.

"Don't sit up that fast Aziza, you'll get a headache," he said even though he didn't push me away.

"What was that Mishka?"
He seemed to hesitate but after some minutes of total quietness, he gave in to whatever reason and pressed his head against mine.
"You're cold," he whispered.
I leaned away as I heard the sound of flowing water close by but when I did, he warped his arms around my back before I could turn.

"It would be wrong if I did matter how strong I feel about it,huh?" he whispered as he released me and looked down.

"Do what?" I asked as I noticed his seriousness.

"I believe I told you that you were free to do as you wished, correct?" he asked after sighing.


"I can only do what I'm allowed to do ,so, here's what I will do. I will give you two options and you, my dear Aziza, choose which one you would like for me to do. "

"Options?" I asked, completely lost from his words.

"I can erase what you just saw and pretend like it never happened, also including future events that are bound to happen can see for your own eyes what type of world you live in without any interference of mine. "

"What are-"

"What do you want to do?"

"Wait," I abruptly said as I pushed myself away from his body. What was he talking about? Why would he ask me that?
He pulled my arm before I slid off from the rock we both sat on, taking the cloth from my hands and dipping it in in the stream in from of us. Forget the stream, what was he talking about?

"Why are you asking me to choose?"I asked as I kept my eyes on him while he continued to wash the cloth.

"Is it so bad that I'm asking for your approval first?" he asked before taking a glance towards me, his eyes serious and narrowed.

"Why would you?"

He stopped from doing what he was doing and turned his whole body towards me, his eyes reading through me.

"What do you remember, Aziza?"
he asked with curiosity in his voice.

"Remember ?"

"Yes. "

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