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And let the rage wars begin!

Hahaha. Love you all^^


"Take your Luna."

The blond assistant turned back into her human form in an instant, her arms wrapping around her Luna's unmoving torso.

Seline's eyes followed the assistants back as she dragged the body towards the door, her agonizing form darkening the room.

We all kept to our thoughts, our eyes saying all that was needed to be said. We would glare at each other, exchanged looks that could confess event he darkest sins. There was no need to speak. Or was it more like, no one actually wanted to. David's mother sat away from us on a half broken chair, her eyes contemplating the wooden door that had closed minutes ago. Seline whipped off the drops of blood on her cheek, sliding down on the outside of my cage.

On the other hand, I myself leaned back on my chair and winced as my aching body asked to relax.

I felt anger, stupid. Need I explain why? David. I just stabbed someone due to my overpowering anger and jealousy. I'm still going to get Seline no matter what, but was it really necessary for having stabbed the widow? Nah...she was trying to get me too. This was a messed up world. A messed up world covered in jealousy, lies, blood and stupid people.

"My son may have done unreasonable things, but he will not stop being my son and the future king. We will carry out our plans without any intermission. I do detest you for endangering my son's soul even if that practice is just bull or truth. One grew up believing in our ancestors, so we must believe in what we were taught. If a day comes when he must be sent to hell for both of your stupidity, I hope you take blame and suffer for him. Even if he has to fight against death, I will not allow anyone to take him from his throne. He will be king, just like the first of our family."

Seline answered with a simple nod, pretty sure she was perfectly listening.

"What makes you think he'll become King?"I asked just out of the blue.

David's mother sigh and looked away from me.

"After the king got dethroned, my family's ancestor became the King, later changing his title to Alpha. Establishing equal power amongst other men who consisted of the heads of each powerful family that had survived the war. He became quite powerful and a respected King. He predicted that one of his blood would come to take his place as King one day. David will be the one to bring order, I know it."

" Why do you want my Scripts?"

"When the first King died, our ancestor was able to obtain the King's scripts, a power he had fairly won. "

I could just wonder how.

"You sick people. Power devoured your hearts a long time ago. You're doing to me the exact same thing you did to the first King. "

"No, he had it worst. You haven't yet experienced the pain he suffered."

She stood from her seat and walked towards the door, glimpsing back couple of times at Seline.

She then opened the door and walked out, slamming the door shut with force.

Seline shook her head, resting it on the bars as she looked up at the ceiling.

Her spontaneous laugh killed the "regret" I thought she was feeling.

"You should of seen your faces. Not even the widow has a chance to take him from me. I own him now."

This bit h...

"You'll die just like the King. In the end both of you were useless to our kind."

The King's Alpha QueenWhere stories live. Discover now