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I hope you guys will be able to stitch things together now. I cried haha. Please help me spread my story, that's all I'm asking. I won't bother you with voting nor commenting anymore. I'm so close to erasing this story and it's the only precious thing I have.


I hid behind a wall as they passed on the other side, hiding deeper in the dark to rest for a bit. I had somehow walked right into the den of werewolves. Werewolves with a stupid belief that I was someone I certainly wasn't. As soon as they mentioned that 'Charlotte' name, they all became crazy and partially destroyed the dome-like building we were in. They even used explosions! Just what type of werewolves were they?!


"She's here!"

I turned as the wall I was leaning against suddenly fell into pieces and a werewolf appeared, pushing me out of the building while bringing down a wall.

I quickly stood up as we landed outside, eyeing the opponents as they began surrounded me. These were fighters, unlike the weak men the King carried with him. They knew how to fight, heh, the best I've fought so far, and they knew how to avoid getting killed. If it weren't for our little situation we had now, I would've gladly complemented them from the start.

"How did you get in?" The same man from before who had first called me by 'Charlotte' asked as he held up his hand to stop his men from continuing forward.

"I simply...fell in," I answered as I eyed him cautiously.

The red werewolf who first attacked me back then appeared, his eyes steady as before. He came to stand in front of me, glaring at me.

"It's not her... it can't be her, Roger," the other man said as he touched the werewolf on the back. In response, the werewolf took a big breath, his nostrils seeming as if they were releasing smoke.

"Get out, now, before something happens to you. You already caused enough damage, get out," the man said as he came forward to stand between the red werewolf and I.

"In that condition of yours, you'll easily die," he continued.

"I'm still standing, ain't I?" I asked.

"You have no idea what we're possible of doing,"he said as the werewolf behind him began to snarl.

Snickering, I reached my hand back, and in an instant pulled out a sword, twisting it between my fingers.

"Let's see who gives up first."

The werewolf first attacked, and from what I could see, he was the quickest of them all.
The others followed, transforming into their second form when they saw they couldn't take me down with just their human form.
I felt mentally if I weren't "quite there".

I felt as if I were using more force and power than previous fights and on top of that, my mind was subconsciously ignoring my broken body.
This was not the right time to slow down to recuperate.

You could say the adrenaline of fighting...or the fact being one against many pushed me even further. I would never 'try' to prove myself to anyone, but now, they needed to know the type of threat I could be. I had become strong because I needed to...even when the sky cried....and the sun burned against my skin.

They probably thought they could take me out in one single threat, but oh, would I give them hell for this.

The red wolf was the most persistent, but one thing I did notice was the way he stood after attacking. He looked as if he was waiting...waiting for me to do something in answer to his attacks.

The King's Alpha QueenWhere stories live. Discover now