23) You haven't won yet

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13:30 (Wednesday)

We made it all the way back home in silence. George and I hadn't spoken a word to Clay. He was just silent the whole way.

Once we got through the front door I decided to speak up,

"Hey...are you okay?" I asked Clay, already knowing the answer

"Yeah, I'm fine." He said while going to the kitchen to get a bag of chips from the pantry.

"You don't seem fine...what happened?" George said, knowing that this wasn't about the keyboard anymore.

"Nothing, i just saw Emma that's all." He said as if it wasn't a big deal to him

"Oh.. what happened?" George asked

"Nothing. Just her usual spiel. Telling me that she still loves me and all that crap." He said while opening the bag of chips and eating some.

"What did you say to her?" George asked

"I told her that I didn't love her anymore." Clay responded

I felt a bit bad for Emma. I knew she really wanted to get things worked out with Clay but there was still a part of me that was relieved by what Clay had responded.

"I'm gonna go upstairs to edit." Clay said and walked off.

"I'm gonna go too. I have a couple things to work on." George said while looking over at me.

"Yeah, I'm gonna finish cleaning. Let me know if you guys need anything." I said and started to walk into the kitchen.

I decided not to text Emma about it. She probably needs time to decide what to do next.


I was finishing cleaning up the bathrooms when I started to think about what had happened.

I was feeling more and more guilty as time passed. I told myself that this was for Clays best interest but I still felt a slight uneasiness in my stomach.

I ignored the feeling as best as I could by continuing my cleaning and making dinner.

George's POV

I walked to Clays room to see how he was doing.

I opened the door and walked in.

He was sitting at his desk with his headphones on, and editing a new manhunt video.

I shut the door which got his attention and turned around to look at me.

"Hey." He said

It was clear that he was still somewhat upset about having to talk to Emma.

"Hey..." I said, not knowing what else to say to him. This is the first time that I've ever seen him get this annoyed.

"Cmon, just forget it. She's not worth getting upset over." I said trying to comfort him

"Yeah i know." He said sighing

"Let's play some Minecraft!" I said trying to change the subject

Just as he was about to respond his phone started to vibrate.

"I got a message from nick?" Clay said

He tapped his phone and opened the message. His eyes widened in disbelief.

"What is it?" I asked him

"You mother-" Clay said in anger

"What!?" I asked again starting to walk over and look at his phone.

I looked down at the picture that Clay was looking at and stared in disbelief.

Oh crap...

It was a picture of Y/n and I holding hands at the mall while he was at the store. The caption said 'I saw Gogy at the mall today, and HE HAS A GF!??' It was posted by a fan on Twitter and had gone viral.

Sapnap had just texted "dude." With the link attached.

Gogy'sGF was #1 trending on Twitter.

"GEORGE!" He yelled

"I'm sorry! How was I supposed to know a fan was going to take our picture?" I exclaimed

He whined in frustration. He started looking down at the comments on the tweet and saw a mix of hate comments and heart comments.

"She's getting a lot of death threats..." Clay said worriedly while reading the comments

"You can't let her see this. You have to clear this up with your fans." Clay said

"How!?" I asked

"I don't know! Say that she's your sister or something!" Clay said

"What the hell!? No! thats weird!" I protested

"I DONT KNOW FIGURE SOMETHING OUT! Most of them probably found out that you're here visiting me. They might start stalking Y/n to get to you and then get to me. Or just start stalking y/n to hurt her." Clay said worriedly

He was right. I needed to find a way to fix this.

"Yeah..I'll figure something out." I said and sat down on his other chair.

It was silent for a while.

"So what now? Are you guys dating?" He said annoyed and threw his phone on his bed.

"Well...technically no. We're not." I said nervously.

Clay let out a sigh.

"Then you haven't won yet." He said

17:00 (Wednesday)

A/N: i apologize for the trashy chapters, BUT THANK YOU FOR 1K READS!!!! IT MEANS A LOT! ❤️❤️ i have my college essay due tomorrow(hmm where have I heard that phrase before?? 😂) But fr i haven't even started... I NEED this to get my grade up before the semester ends. ANYWAY!!! I HOPE YALL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY! I KNOW ITS MONDAY BUT IDK GO WATCH THE OFFICE OR SOMETHING! I'm rewatching it and I'm on season 3 so far lol. AS ALWAYS STAY HYDRATED AND EAT IF YOU HAVENT DONE SO YET!!!!!! No proofreading was done so I'm sorry if some parts are grammatically incorrect!

Quote of the day: Sometimes we forget the most unbearable people have suffered the most unbearable pasts

^^ i rlly dont remember which quotes I've done before. I have a whole book of em but my memory is trash so...

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